Saturday, March 22, 2008

Ted Bundy

The Picasso of the serial killing community. Ted was handsome, charming, intelligent, self-assured, with a brillant future, and deadlier than a rattlesnake. Using his good looks, he was able to invisably abduct his victoms to kill privatly and continue with seemingly charmed existence. This law student and young Republican liked to wear an arm sling to appear vulnerable so to get women to help him with his groceries. He favored killing pretty, dark-haired cheerleader types. He would bludgeon his prey to death with blunt objects and was fond of raping and biting them. The bite marks on one of his victoms was used as evidence against him in his trial in Florida.

On December 30, 1977, after a previous failed attempt, Ted escaped prison in Colorado and relocated in Tallahassee, Florida, near Florida State University. There he perpetrated his blood-soaked "Guernica" of crime. On January 15, 1978, he set forth on a night of butchery and killed two girls and wounded two others in and around the Chi Omega Sorority house in Tallahassee. Two weeks later he stole a van and killed 12-year-old Kimberly Leach in Lake City, Florida, for which, eventually, he was fried. Poor Kimberly's body was found in a pig trough next to a plaid jacket that was not Ted's. She was buried in a cemetary near a Purina Plant under a heart-shaped tombstone with her picture on it.

Ted defended himself in trials in Utah, Colorado, and Florida as the police tried to put together a trail of dead girls leading to him. During his various trails, a very self-possessed Ted Bundy defended himself garnishing praise and legion of female admirers. After numerous appeals Bundy was electrocuted by the state of Florida in 1989. For his last meal he had steak, eggs, hash browns, and coffee.