Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Jeffrey Dahmer

The founding father of Cannibals Anonymous. As a kid, Jeff liked to torture and kill little animals. As an adult he did the same with humans. This Miwaukee chocalate factory worker lured gay, black men to his apartment for sex and drugs and instead killed them and had them for dinner.

Once his victims were dead, Jeff came to life. He enjoyed sex with corpses and was conscientious enough to always wear a condom. Sex with live beings was not as good, he said, because they could get up and leave at any minute. He also enjoyed mutilation and experimenting with different ways of disposing of his victims. He once tried to turn one of his victims into a zombie by performing a homemade lobotomy on the man by drilling into his brain and pouring acid into the holes.

When captured, plice found three dissolving bodies in 55-gallon acid vats in his bedroom. They also found four severed heads, seven skulls, and skeletons in his closet and a penis in a lobster pot. Curiously, he had no food in the fridge, only condiments. In the freezer he had a heart stashed "to eat later." Although he enjoyed munching his loved ones, at the time of his arrest he was rail thin. In jail authorities managed to fatten him up. Jeff met his end when he was viciously attacked by Christopher Scarver, a convicted killer on anitpsychotic medication, while mopping the bathroom floor in maximum security. The lethargic cannibal died witha mop handle sticking out of his eye socket. At his mother's request, his brain was preserved in formadlehyde for future study.