Thursday, March 13, 2008


In the imagination of the white western world Africa today stands as a devastated continent, its people ravaged by war, famine and disease. Yet the very fact that Africa has achieved a degree of self-determination is testimony to the superhuman strength of its people.

Other native peoples attacked by invading colonial forces, such as the Native Americans, have not survived. The history of Africa is the most vivid illustration of the depth of racism within the white Christian world. When the white settlers first encountered the African, their response was to enslave him, and treat him as an unintelligent savage. Ironically, the most Christian colonies of Africa have always seen the most bloodshed. The Belgian Congo, one of the Catholic Church's greatest African strongholds, saw unprecedented slaughter of the African people - forced labor, mass murder, mutilation, and starvation were the policies of Belgium's King Leopold II.

Fifty percent of the Congo's population, over 11 million, lost their lives at the turn of the 1900's when the growing motor car industry made rubber worth killing for.

It was only the intervention of various grass-roots political organizations in Antwerp and London, including many prominent artists of the day such as 'Sherlock Holmes' creator Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who personally hosted slide-shows graphically displaying the horrors of the genocide of the region. This finally forced action by the Belgium government who stepped in and took power away from King Leopold, and changed the country's name from the 'Belgium Free State' to the Belgium Congo. King Leopold was never held accountable for the genocide, which was retold in Joseph Conrad's classic novel "Heart of Darkness".

This ethos of stealing natural resources no matter what the consequences has been the history of Africa. It is not surprising that South Africa, still a rich resource in gems and minerals, only escaped apartheid in the last decade, and perhaps it is revelations about this regime that most vividly illustrate the ethics of the white colonial rule that Africa has suffered for the last three hundred years.

As Truth & Reconciliation trials continue in South Africa, the depth of the inhumanity to the native Africans becomes apparent. Apartheid-era scientists revealed top-secret projects to "release bacteria that would kill only pigmented people" and a vaccine that would sterilize them. These covert operations bear striking resemblance to the race-specific experiments conducted at Auschwitz death camp by physician and anthropologist Dr. Josef Mengele. Apartheid South Africa's extensive and illegal biological & chemical weapons were bought on the black market through Croatia. A deeply Catholic country, Croatia was allied with the Nazis during World War II. Not only did Croatians volunteer to be guards at the Death Camps, Russian Orthodox Serbians were forcibly converted en masse to Roman Catholicism. In fact, the Catholic order of the Knights of Malta organized the "Rat Run" escape of high-ranking Nazis through Croatia.

Today in Zimbabwe, Africans continue to lose their lives as a direct result of colonialism. As the natives of Zimbabwe attempt to reclaim land that was legally agreed to be returned 30 years ago, they now find themselves victims of an AIDS epidemic totally out of proportion to the rest of the world. The horrors witnessed in Rwanda were further evidence of "African as savage" but yet again was a political situation caused by its European colonial history which helped create and enforce a tribal class system. In fact, the Vatican's highest official in Rwanda, Bishop Augustin Misago was recently tried for genocide and stood accused of masterminding the slaughter. Twenty other priests and nuns await trial, while others have been sentenced to death. Uganda's recent "Ten Commandments cult" was run by a Loyola-Jesuit trained ex-Catholic priest, and 900 bodies were found buried is his garden. Mirroring the Nazi Holocaust, several hundred were locked into a church and burned alive, while others were poisoned, totaling over 1500 people. The recent events in Africa are staggering and almost beyond belief.

Another example of post-colonial interference is the current crisis in Sierra Leone. This ex-British colony has over the last nine years been experiencing a civil war, largely funded and equipped by the West. Just a few years ago the rebel army was only 5000 strong, but now stands at over 25,000 highly equipped and trained men. The reason for this is simple; the rebels seized most of the diamond mines, which continue to sell diamonds to De Beers of London, the single most powerful diamond trader in the world, handling 90 percent of all raw diamonds. The rebels then purchased weapons and training from Western arms dealers, and the suffering continues. As the United Nations recently announced "The root of the conflict is and remains diamonds, diamonds, and diamonds. It is not about ideology, tribal or regional differences". Clearly De Beers wasn't happy about the rising price of raw diamonds, and the "rebels" stepped in.

It has recently been estimated that up to 1.7 million people have been killed as a direct result of war over the last two years alone in Sierra Leone. The numbers of intentional mutilations of men, women and children is countless. The country's medical infrastructure that was highly developed and widespread from gains made since the end of colonialization has been completely eroded by the effects of war. Many hospitals and clinics have been forced to close or have been destroyed. This leaves millions without any kind of medical or hospital care. Still De Beers buy the diamonds, still the rebels buy their weapons, and still ordinary Americans who purchase most of the world's diamonds at "rock-bottom" prices are completely unaware of the horrific effects of their spending. When it was disclosed that their tuna contained "accidental dolphin catches" the American public was outraged and promptly boycotted dolphin-unfriendly products, and their demands were soon met by tuna suppliers. If Africa's crisis were as widely reported as other more "viewer friendly" issues, perhaps the power of the American consumer would similarly be motivated into action, a fact that is precisely what the global colonialists fear most.

The response to the AIDS epidemic that is currently annihilating the population of Africa is merely the conclusion to the ingrained racism of both the orthodox Christian Church and the Rosicrucian "Secret Church".

United Nations AIDS specialist Peter Piot admits that the worst has yet to come in Africa. It is facing human disaster on a scale never seen before in its history of subjugation. The scientific community is unable to explain why AIDS is striking Africa so hard. "We have to accept we don't understand it completely" said Piot. Yet Christian leaders of the Western world have plenty of reasons to give. Among them "HIV infected African men rape young virgins", and "Africans use anal sex as a form of contraception", and "AIDS is spread mostly by prostitution along traditional trucking routes". These theories, even if they were true, could not explain the vast difference in the spread of AIDS in Africa, compared to Europe and America. Certainly sexual behavior in America is far from restrained.

While AIDS emerged simultaneously in Africa and America, the latter has not seen an epidemic. And yet according to recent statistics Americans are one of the most sexually active people in the World. The figures for regular "Lifestyle"-orgy attendees are officially at six million and rising, and they themselves claim "that you have more chance of being killed in an auto accident than catching AIDS". The American porn industry is the biggest and most explicit in the world with production at an all-time high, and still no sign of AIDS within these "high-risk" circles. Ironically, a brief glance at Internet pornography reveals that anal intercourse and sex with dogs is not uncommon in the United States. Prostitution is widespread and legal in some states, and yet is relatively untouched by AIDS. In fact, sexual promiscuity is so rampant in American society that even its white middle class teenagers are participating in the kind of sexual orgies that were previously only seen in Pagan fertility rites, as revealed by the acclaimed PBS TV special "Lost Youth". The program highlighted a chronic syphillis outbreak amongst these teens, and indeed, all easily treatable sexually transmitted diseases are on the increase in America, except AIDS. A recent study by the University of California showed that 22.9% of their students under 30 engaged in hetrosexual anal intercourse, 76.1% of these failed to use condoms. Clearly safe sex practices are not being followed any more closely in the United States, than they are in Africa.

Results announced at the International AIDS Conference 2000 showed that of 990 prostitutes working in high-risk regions whose sexual contacts without condoms numbered 75 a month, 20 percent became infected with HIV over the four year study period. Yet according to UNAIDS figures, 30 percent of girls under the age of 25 in Botswana and 25 percent in South Africa are HIV positive. The average African teenage girl would need to have over 100 high-risk sexual partners a month to become infected to this degree. Blaming sexual transmission alone for the recent "Big Bang" spread of HIV/AIDS makes no sense.

Considering all the negative elements at play in Africa's recent past, isn't it more likely that at some point vaccines contaminated with HIV were administered to these innocent young people? Or perhaps Wouter Basson, the so-called "Dr. Death" of the aparteid regime who headed their secret biological & chemical warfare unit, found a use for his "freeze-dried HIV contaminated blood", as revealed during his war crimes trial? The weaponization of HIV in this manner would allow for transmission through inhalation or ingestion, and be hugely efficient.

The truth about the origin and spread of AIDS in Africa is perhaps the most important question ever to face Humanity.

The sight of Africans dying is so commonplace in the eyes of the West that the AIDS Holocaust will not be admitted unless it is proven not to be the natural and acceptable punishment of an angry God, who like his representatives here on earth, sees the African as sub-human, and unworthy of being regarded as a member of the human race... a belief that history has so effectively demonstrated.

It is ironic that the recent archaeological discovery of a 1.7 million year old Hominid skull in the Caucasus mountains of the Black Sea region, and DNA research by the Human Genome Project has proven that Man evolved out of Africa, and in a very real sense, that we are all cousins. Finally, the Aryan white supremacy beliefs of the Nazis, Eugenics, and the occult Secret Societies have finally been undermined by this conclusive analysis of the origin of Humankind.