Stories of a conspiracy between extraterrestrials and the American military began to surface in the 1950's, and by the 80's and 90's had reached fever pitch with countless eyewitness accounts, tales of abductions and detailed theories about the nature of the conspiracy. Most mythologies that grip the imagination usually do so because they have some elements of truth.
As the 50's also saw the beginning of the Cold War and the development of terrifyingly high-tech weaponry, it was not surprising that ordinary people began to feel paranoid. As CIA propaganda against Russia and clandestine warfare techniques evolved, stories of extraterrestrial intelligence became useful to create an atmosphere of secrets and lies. Certainly it would do no harm if the Russians believed that the American military were in touch with extraterrestrials, and accessing unbelievable technologies.
As the CIA and secret military divisions were indeed involved in the development of strange science fiction-type weaponry such as Stealth Bombers, high-energy laser guns, microwave weapons, and miniature nuclear devices, rumors abounded and eyewitness accounts of UFOs soared, especially in areas close to military bases.
As social unrest within the United States reached epic proportions during the 1960's with the Civil Rights movement and the anti-War campaign, CIA and top government and military personnel began to look for ways to regain control over an apparently fragmenting society. As the CIA's psychological studies proved, fear of a common enemy was the most effective way to control the population. As an increasingly active youth movement no longer accepted the Russian/Communist threat, the CIA turned to a more fittingly esoteric "alien invasion" scenario. As the Vietnam War raged the military began to splinter, as some sort a quick end to the war. Military personnel returning from Vietnam began to doubt the truth of the communist threat and realized that this was a civil war by a historically oppressed peasant people.
In order to keep control over the now immensely powerful military-industrial complex, the old boy establishment within the CIA and DIA began to use the extraterrestrial mythology to its advantage.
Allowing rumors to run rampant about the connection between top-ranking military officials and highly developed extraterrestrial beings made these military leaders extremely threatening and influential. As the military was already deeply connected with Freemasonry, the extraterrestrial myth played perfectly into Freemasonry's elaborately structured belief system.
Thus the core conspiracy that we see today is a strange mix of sci-fi and secret society mythology. It involves an extraterrestrial Supreme Court of alien beings called "The Council of Nine", from whom the original nine Knights Templar who discovered "the big secret" beneath the Temple of Jerusalem are believed to be descended. As the myth goes, the military power elite are supposedly in constant communion with these extraterrestrial supreme beings; which is strikingly similar to the Annunnaki Gods of the European secret societies, as described by Sir Laurence Gardner et al. Some aliens are benevolent, while others are intent on our destruction. Hence, the angels and demons of Heaven and Hell, and of alchemy's occult philosophy (as detailed in their handbook "The Magus"), are given credibility by a more scientific approach.
Even today, fantastic new claims are emerging from "military insiders" about the aristocratic families of Europe beings descended from serpent-like extraterrestrials called "the Draks", as the big lie replaces the big stick in order to hide the American military's Dark Side and its New World Order allegiances to Dragon/Grail bloodline organizations such as the Imperial and Royal Dragon Court, the Priory of Sion, the Knights of Malta, and numerous other hidden pyramids of power with Aryan white supremacist and racist beliefs.
Although no-one can say for sure what anyone actually believes, the transformation of Occult secret socities' angels and demons into extraterrestrial beings appears to be a consistent high-level belief that affects major political decisions. Following a meeting with Mikhail Gorbachev in 1985, Ronald Reagan is on record as saying they had pointed out the way in which "all the peoples of the world, including the United States and Russia, would unite in the face of an invasion from another planet". No-doubt this is a motivating factor in the development of Star Wars-type weaponry in outer space, at immense cost to the tax-payer.
Disturbed and perplexed by reports of American involvement with aliens, in 1999 the French Government set-up a major task force to explore the social, political, religious, and military implications of the "extraterrestrial hypothesis". The existence of intelligent extraterrestrial beings was "quasi-certain", and stressed the need to "inform all decision-makers and persons of responsibility", and "undertake diplomatic action towards the United States for cooperation on this capital question". Describing the attitude of the United States since the 1947 Roswell event as "most strange", the mother of all hoaxes and/or elite delusion appears set to become the "New Gospel" of the 21st Century. On a recent visit to Russia, President Clinton was asked by students if the American military had a crashed UFO, his stuttered response was "No... well, I don't know, they won't tell me."
To those aware of this charade, the extraterrestrial mind control propaganda is little but a new twist on the old techniques used by all the occult-inspired secret societies - a big inaccessible secret creates loyalty in those who wish to partake of it, and fear and dread in those who cannot.
The truth is simply that members of the American military are involved in occult practices and beliefs and are allied with historical European "Satanic/Occult" organizations and players. The extraterrestrial "Council of Nine" can be found in Lieutenant Colonel Michael Aquino's ruling authority of Magus-level initiates within his "Temple of Set". A former member of the Church of Satan, Aquino left Anton LaVey's coven to establish his own Rosicrucian-inspired Temple of Set in the mid-70's. Aquino was a leading figure in the development of the CIA/DIA's psych-ops methodology, as well as a major Iran/Contra player, until his alleged involvement in the military's "Presidio child abuse" scandal caused his fall from favor. The subculture's extraterrestrials and "Reptilian Draks" are nothing more than the Aryan/Dragon community and the various occult covens/circles of the aristocratic Grail families of Europe, and their assorted minions within European Freemasonry, the Vatican, Nato military forces, and transnational corporations, who find unity of purpose and intent through their Rosicrucian beliefs.
As the CIA's remote viewer Major David Morehouse said in his recent book "Psychic Warrior":
"I thought I was part of a profession, but apparently I joined a fraternity, full of secret little clubs with special handshakes".
Indeed, if the American military's reactionaries truly believe the sex and drug-induced rantings of their seers to be extraterrestrial, then clearly amendments need to be made to the Constitution to reinforce the separation of Secret Church and State.