As we enter the 21st Century, is history destined to repeat itself, and replicate the popularity of Occultist movements in Germany and Austria at the end of the 19th Century, the precursor to the Nazi Third Reich?
Following in the Rosicrucian footsteps of Madame Blavatsky and her Theosophy movement, self-proclaimed guru Sir Laurence Gardner, just as Germany's Guido von List before him, is on a messianic mission to initiate the world into his insanely racist delusions that somehow manage to get mainstream publication. His book "Genesis of the Grail Kings" not only attempts to rationalize Satanism and Vampirism, but tries to justify genocide as the most consistent and appropriate method used by "the Gods" when the Earth's population gets "too large or tiresome" for the ruling elite to handle.
Just as in Blavatsky's "Secret Doctrine", Gardner spuriously invents elaborate genealogies "proving" that the Grail bloodline aristocratic families and the Aryan race are the result of "genetic engineering and cloning by the Annunaki Gods who visited this planet at the dawn of civilization". The "Afro-Asian sub-races were specifically created to be their slaves" and "serve the Annunaki by providing them with food, drink and habitation" while these rulers "spent a great deal of time drinking wine and quarrelling".
These theories are nothing more than an elaboration of Blavatsky's "Atlantean Master Race" jargon, but take into account the discovery of Sumerian myths on clay tablets in the 1920's. Zecharia Sitchen, a self-proclaimed expert on these tablets, perhaps unconsciously reveals the true motive of these beliefs when he translates that "the Annunaki Gods created the Black Headed people (Sumerians) to mine for gold in South Africa". Startlingly, his translations were recently validated during a meeting with senior Vatican official Monsignor Corrado Balducci, a member of the Curia and Cardinal Ratzinger's ultra-conservative Congregation of the Faith.
It is ironic that following the publication of his book Gardner was expelled from his position as Chancellor of the Dragon Court by Prince Nicholas de Vere. One may think this was because Gardner dropped the ball and told all, but this is not the case. Sovereign Grand Master de Vere was angry that he had not been given proper credit for these alarming revelations of exactly what goes on in the minds of the power elite. De Vere surprisingly claims to be the true author of the work, having provided archival information and documents to Gardner from the Royal vaults of the Dragon Court, proving that this belief system has been handed down generation to generation through the ages. Now reaching bizarre proportions, De Vere has set up his own website to further educate the "flim flam peasant stock masses" about the "health benefits of Satanism and Vampirism".
Meanwhile Gardner is aiding King Charles I's descendant Prince Michael Stewart to execute a "quiet Restoration in Scotland". It would be additionally disturbing that Prince Michael should be associated with Gardner, who is the kin of Gerald Gardner, the notorious occultist and father of modern witchcraft, were it not for the fact that Gardner is also the Presidential Attache to the European Council of Princes, who admit they received funds from the CIA. The links between the European aristocracy, occultism and Satanism, and the CIA is apparently no longer cloak and dagger knowledge.
Prince Michael reveals his newest ambassadors include an American ex-military intelligence agent and a member of the South African Free State security forces. While Prince Michael is a relatively small fish with huge ambitions, his choice of cronies illustrates the circles he aims to gravitate within, and no doubt mirrors the really big fish like Prince Otto von Habsburg of Austria, Prince Bernhard and Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, and the British Royal Family. Gardner spells out his objectives clearly when he writes they are "born and bred to be leaders of humankind... who await the Restoration of our true universal inheritance".
This would be amusing if it were not for the fact that Gardner recently spoke at Yale's elite "Skull and Bones" secret society and that "Genesis of the Grail Kings" is an international bestseller, being particularly popular amongst the right-wing neo-Nazi conspiracy theorists who like Hitler and the Nazis claim "the Jews are ruling the world through the banks and secret societies, and preventing the true leaders of the elite Aryan race from taking their rightful thrones".
Gardner's rationalization of Vampirism becomes sublime "Endocrinal supplements are used by today's organo-therapy establishment, but their inherent secretions (such as melatonin and serotonin) are obtained from the desiccated glands of dead animals and they lack the truly important elements which exist only in live human glandular manufacture."
The end result of this belief system can be found in the work of Aleister Crowley, who was a major influence on Adolf Hitler, and who was initiated into the original Austro-German Rosicrucian circles, as Christian Scientist creator L.Ron Hubbard also claimed. In Crowley's "Magick in Theory and Practice" he explains the reasons for ritual death and why small boys are the best victims "It was the theory of the ancient magicians that any living being is a storehouse of energy varying in quantity according to the size and health of the animal, and in quality according to its mental and moral character. At the death of this animal this energy is liberated suddenly. For the highest spiritual working, one must accordingly choose that victim which contains the greatest and purest force. A male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence is the most satisfactory and suitable victim." Crowley adds in a footnote that according to the records of the Order of the Oriental Templars' Frater Perurabo, he performed just such a sacrifice 150 times every year between 1912 and 1928.
Reports by Britain's highly regarded newspaper The Sunday Times gave accounts of witnesses describing "Black Masses in which children were killed in front of audiences including prominent members of Belgian society". One investigator said "It was like going back to the Middle Ages". This activity has been linked to Belgium's notorious child murderer Marc Dutroux (who still awaits trail since his arrest in 1996) and France's "paedophile murder ring" which came to light at the same time following many high-profile arrests. In an interview with Dutch TV Dutroux refered to a "network with all kinds of criminal activities" responsible for money laundering, multiple passport identities and illegal off-shore banking. Documentation recovered by police was signed by someone describing himself as the Egyptian God Anubias requesting "presents" for the High Priestess of the Order, and gave specific details of the age and sex the victims must be. Britain's Scotland Yard crime squad also began major investigations into organized ritual abuse and murder within the British Isles.
It is interesting to note that Gardner's prefect Prince Michael Stewart, a Belgian by birth, whose titles include President of the European Council of Princes, Grand Protector of the Imperial and Royal Dragon Court, Grand Master of the Knights Templar, Archpriest of the Celtic Church, and a member of the influential Knights of Malta, only recently returned to Scotland after living all of his life in Belgium.
Recent extraordinary claims by the semiotically-inspired revelations of British author David Icke could easily be dismissed as lunacy, if it were not for their authentication by Gardner and Drakenberg. Icke's claims that "the aristocracy are shape-shifting Reptilians from outer space who consume children", are no more bizarre than Gardner's "Genesis of the Grail Kings" that candidly admits that their Annunaki ancestors were "serpentine" in appearance, and not only "came down from another dimension" but sustained their power by snorting "a white powder alchemically converted from their stocks of gold". Perhaps the Annunaki were the first drug pushers, and history is their bad trip?
Gardner's claim to be a "Guardian of the Creachaire Portal" may give some idea of what is summoned from the dark recesses of their deeply disturbed psyches. While their minds may appear to be sane, their souls are definitely mad. A Heart of Darkness thirsts for socio-economic-political power, in an attempt to avoid facing the truth of his own inevitable demise.
The Aryan aristocratic bloodlines are not from outer space, but simply came down from the Black Sea region at the beginning of civilization. Recent archeological discoveries by "Titanic" explorerer Robert Ballard deep beneath the Black Sea have revealed submerged ancient dwellings and evidence of a Great Flood, which may have created the Black Sea over 7000 years ago. As the Mediterranean Sea overflowed into the region, the washed-out Scythian/Aryan tribes, no doubt angered by the actions of their Annunaki Gods, were forced South towards the early agricultural settlements of Sumer. The hunter/gatherer Aryan tribes promptly enslaved the agricultural tribes of Sumer, and declared themselves their rulers. The Aryans became kings not because of any Divine ordination or extraterrestrial superiority, but simply because they were ruthless and violent predators, apparently with a grudge against God and Nature. And they have been on top ever since, with the same cynical "Paradise Lost" mentality that seeks comfort in the illusion of Power, and the sadistic control of the lives of others.
This deluded perception of reality, not only by the Power Elite, but equally through the unconscious mytho-poetic beliefs of orthodox Roman Catholicism, ultimately led to the schizophrenic crack-up of Nazi Germany, and brought us to the brink of Armageddon.
If these same beliefs prevail, will the World face a similar fate in the 21st Century?
The choice is yours...