A genetic mutation called the "after-hours gene" may explain why some people are night owls, it is revealed in Science journal today.
It could also hold clues for pharmacologists working to develop drugs to help people adjust to shift work or jet lag. There are further implications for the study of causes of some psychiatric disorders.
The altered gene, named "after hours" or Afh, is a variant of a gene called Fbxl3, which had not been linked to the body clock that keeps our metabolism, digestion and sleep patterns in tune with the rising and setting of the sun.
The discovery involved scientists from the Medical Research Council Mammalian Genetics Unit, Oxfordshire, the MRC Laboratory for Molecular Biology, Cambridge, and colleagues based at New York University.
Pharmaceutical companies are already beginning to study this class of proteins as potential drug targets.
By monitoring when and how often the mice chose to run on an exercise wheel the team spotted a change in some of the animals’ normal rhythms.
Instead of following the typical 24 hour pattern, some of the mice had body clocks that stretched to up to a 27 hour day.
Closer study of the DNA from the mice then revealed that those on a 27-hour-cycle had the after hours version of the Fbxl3 gene, one of a large family that controls the breakdown of specific proteins within body cells.
Dr Patrick Nolan, of the MRC Mammalian Genetics Unit, who led the study said: ‘‘The internal body clocks of mice with the after hours gene run on a longer cycle than mice that have a normal copy of the gene, who like most of us live on a 24 hour schedule.’’
The “cogs” of the body clock consist of interlocked cycles of proteins that wax and wane in cells. One of the key components of this loop is a protein called Cry.
“We found that mice that carried the after hours gene also had a delayed Cry protein breakdown rate, leading to a slowdown in the molecular feedback loops and a lengthening of the body clock cycle.’’
In other research, scientists have identified a part of the brain that affects how we deal with seasonal change.
The research will help our understanding of the causes and consequences of seasonal affective disorder and could also shed light on why we crave more food in winter.
Dr Gerald Lincoln, of Edinburgh University's Centre for Reproductive Biology, said: "Surprisingly, the circannual body clock works on a 10-month cycle.
"We reset our body calendar every summer, when increased light inhibits the production of melatonin. This could explain why sunshine makes us feel happier."

Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Back to gray
Hail mary
Heaven willing
Let a blanket
Cover everything
Hold us high
Hold aside
Mother don't let us die before the springtime
I don't need any love
'cause I've got the elements
Electric light
Electric license
I can add it all up
One plus one
Hail mary
Heaven willing
Let a blanket
Cover everything
Hold us high
Hold aside
Mother don't let us die before the springtime
I don't need any love
'cause I've got the elements
Electric light
Electric license
I can add it all up
One plus one
And your face fits
In the frame so
Like your footprints
In the fake snow
Sky sight now
A strobe light
Black to white then
Black to white and
Black to white then
Back to gray again
Hail mary
Heaven willing
Let a blanket
Cover everything
Hold us high
Hold aside
Mother don't let us die before the springtime
I don't need any love
'cause I've got the elements
Electric light
Electric license
I can add it all up
One plus one
And your face fits
In the frame so
Like your footprints
In the fake snow
Sky sight now
A strobe light
Black to white then
Black to white and
Black to white then
Back to gray again
And if you do not mind
I will not stay
If you can climb
I will find a way
If you do not mind
I will not stay
If you can climb
I will find a way
Hail mary
Heaven willing
Let a blanket
Cover everything
I can add it all up
One plus one
Heaven willing
Let a blanket
Cover everything
Hold us high
Hold aside
Mother don't let us die before the springtime
I don't need any love
'cause I've got the elements
Electric light
Electric license
I can add it all up
One plus one
Hail mary
Heaven willing
Let a blanket
Cover everything
Hold us high
Hold aside
Mother don't let us die before the springtime
I don't need any love
'cause I've got the elements
Electric light
Electric license
I can add it all up
One plus one
And your face fits
In the frame so
Like your footprints
In the fake snow
Sky sight now
A strobe light
Black to white then
Black to white and
Black to white then
Back to gray again
Hail mary
Heaven willing
Let a blanket
Cover everything
Hold us high
Hold aside
Mother don't let us die before the springtime
I don't need any love
'cause I've got the elements
Electric light
Electric license
I can add it all up
One plus one
And your face fits
In the frame so
Like your footprints
In the fake snow
Sky sight now
A strobe light
Black to white then
Black to white and
Black to white then
Back to gray again
And if you do not mind
I will not stay
If you can climb
I will find a way
If you do not mind
I will not stay
If you can climb
I will find a way
Hail mary
Heaven willing
Let a blanket
Cover everything
I can add it all up
One plus one
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
Feeling lonely at times is very human. There are different kinds of loneliness: feeling as though you don't have enough (or any) friends; feeling unseen or unknown by those you know; difficulty feeling good when alone or making use of one's time. Sometimes we suffer because of a false belief about ourselves: "If I am alone, then something must be wrong with me. Perhaps I am unlovable." This feeling may be a symptom of insufficient self love. On the other hand, growing up in a society that promotes a dependence upon, or even an addiction to external things for a sense of well being - food, clothes, drugs, other people - leaves many of us floundering when left all to ourselves. Some of us may have internalized the false view that to be happy is to be surrounded by others at all times, regardless of how we may feel in their company.
And yet, if we can learn to be truly intimate with ourselves, then we are never alone. This sort of intimacy, however, is not always easy to come by. It may take facing the wounded, deficient parts of ourselves, as well as the wonderful, abundant parts. In many families such parts were rejected and denied, and therefore went underground, perhaps festering into a low-grade depression. Therapy frequently involves facing and integrating these rejected parts and experiences. These neglected parts of ourselves often carry a heavy burden of shame. Shame too can isolate us from others, contributing to our loneliness. Group therapy and other mutually accepting relationships can offer an antidote to shame, as we explore our common vulnerability and see that our deepest secrets are not the terrible beasts we imagined.
And yet, if we can learn to be truly intimate with ourselves, then we are never alone. This sort of intimacy, however, is not always easy to come by. It may take facing the wounded, deficient parts of ourselves, as well as the wonderful, abundant parts. In many families such parts were rejected and denied, and therefore went underground, perhaps festering into a low-grade depression. Therapy frequently involves facing and integrating these rejected parts and experiences. These neglected parts of ourselves often carry a heavy burden of shame. Shame too can isolate us from others, contributing to our loneliness. Group therapy and other mutually accepting relationships can offer an antidote to shame, as we explore our common vulnerability and see that our deepest secrets are not the terrible beasts we imagined.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Saturday, April 19, 2008
It is little known that lying underneath one of The United States largest and most picturesque National Parks - Yellowstone Park - is one of the largest "super volcanoes" in the world. Beneath Yellowstone and it's spectacular landscape of hot springs and geysers is this hot spot, an upwelling plume of melted rock from the Earth's mantle, and it is waiting to erupt. In recent years it has been discovered that Yellowstone is one of a few known examples of a supervolcano. These volcanoes erupt only rarely; but with a force at least 1000 times that of ordinary volcanoes. Try to imagine 1000 volcanoes erupting in the same place at the same time. Now sceintists warn that the Yellowstone supervolcano may be getting ready to erupt! According to some, there is a 30% chance that Yellowstone will blow its cork soon, and cause devastation that would seem unimaginable. The Yellowstone caldera, the central region of the park, has been moving upwards since the middle of 2004. This growth is at a rate of three inches a year, which is more than three times faster than has ever been measured. “It’s hundreds of times bigger than Mount St. Helens,” said Robert Smith, a geophysics professor at the University of Utah. Mount St. Helens is an active volcano in Washington State.
If a fissure occurs in the rock beneath the park, everyone within 600 miles should be prepared for a sudden blast. There may be no precursor quakes prior to a blast at Yellowstone Supervolcano. If it fully blows, there will be no life within 600 miles, except for those people who have prepared a place underneath the ground. Dust masks would also be a nessessity. Even airplanes within the area could be blown out of the sky according to Larry Park, an earthquake researcher. If the Supervolcano blows, it will cause an immediate nuclear winter of dirt and ash in the air over the entire world for 2 years. He also stated that there will be no crops grown in the midwest U.S. for that same period of time.
Larry Parks warns that people within that 600 miles should make preparations to survive the possible blast. There is a bulge over 100 feet high in the bottom of Yellowstone Lake. The area under the northern end of the lake near Mary Bay has a bulge that could have been formed by carbon dioxide or steam. The bulge, which is about 2,100 feet long, has been formed only within the last few years. "We're thinking this structure could be a precursor to a hydrothermal explosive event" Parks explained. The explosion would send ash, dust, and sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere, reflecting the sun's rays and creating a cold wave lasting several years. Crops in many areas would fail and many species of animals and plants would face extinction. The last eruption shot a column of volcanic ash and gases high into Earth's stratosphere. This volcanic cloud circled the globe many times and affected Earth's climate by reducing the intensity of solar radiation reaching the lower atmosphere and surface. Fine volcanic ash that fell downwind from the eruption site blanketed much of North America.
This ash layer is still preserved in deposits as far away as Iowa, where it is a few inches thick, and the Gulf of Mexico, where it is recognizable in drill cores from the sea floor. Lava flows have since buried and obscured most of the caldera, but the underlying processes responsible for Yellowstone's tremendous volcanic eruptions are still at work. These supervolcanoes occur over "hot spots" in the Earth and they could erupt causing catastrophic explosions, sending hundreds to thousands of cubic kilometers of ash into the atmosphere, and wreaking climatic havoc on a global scale. As the plume of hot, liquid rock rises in the Earth, it melts the Earth's crust and creates large magma chambers. These magmas usually erupt in a very catastrophic way. By comparison, the eruption of Mount St. Helens sent about two cubic kilometers of ash into the atmosphere. These catastrophic types of eruptions send thousands of cubic kilometers of ash skyward.
The hot spot deep beneath Yellowstone acts like a burner. It's a constant source of heat that acts on the upper crust and forms magma chambers that contain tens of thousands of cubic kilometers of molten rock. Such an eruption would disrupt global climate by injecting millions of tons of ash into the atmosphere. Some of the ash would remain in the atmosphere for years, reflect sunlight back into space and cool the planet, significantly affecting life. In addition, a blanket of ash over a meter thick would be deposited in regions within 600 miles, and effectively smother life there.
If a fissure occurs in the rock beneath the park, everyone within 600 miles should be prepared for a sudden blast. There may be no precursor quakes prior to a blast at Yellowstone Supervolcano. If it fully blows, there will be no life within 600 miles, except for those people who have prepared a place underneath the ground. Dust masks would also be a nessessity. Even airplanes within the area could be blown out of the sky according to Larry Park, an earthquake researcher. If the Supervolcano blows, it will cause an immediate nuclear winter of dirt and ash in the air over the entire world for 2 years. He also stated that there will be no crops grown in the midwest U.S. for that same period of time.
Larry Parks warns that people within that 600 miles should make preparations to survive the possible blast. There is a bulge over 100 feet high in the bottom of Yellowstone Lake. The area under the northern end of the lake near Mary Bay has a bulge that could have been formed by carbon dioxide or steam. The bulge, which is about 2,100 feet long, has been formed only within the last few years. "We're thinking this structure could be a precursor to a hydrothermal explosive event" Parks explained. The explosion would send ash, dust, and sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere, reflecting the sun's rays and creating a cold wave lasting several years. Crops in many areas would fail and many species of animals and plants would face extinction. The last eruption shot a column of volcanic ash and gases high into Earth's stratosphere. This volcanic cloud circled the globe many times and affected Earth's climate by reducing the intensity of solar radiation reaching the lower atmosphere and surface. Fine volcanic ash that fell downwind from the eruption site blanketed much of North America.
This ash layer is still preserved in deposits as far away as Iowa, where it is a few inches thick, and the Gulf of Mexico, where it is recognizable in drill cores from the sea floor. Lava flows have since buried and obscured most of the caldera, but the underlying processes responsible for Yellowstone's tremendous volcanic eruptions are still at work. These supervolcanoes occur over "hot spots" in the Earth and they could erupt causing catastrophic explosions, sending hundreds to thousands of cubic kilometers of ash into the atmosphere, and wreaking climatic havoc on a global scale. As the plume of hot, liquid rock rises in the Earth, it melts the Earth's crust and creates large magma chambers. These magmas usually erupt in a very catastrophic way. By comparison, the eruption of Mount St. Helens sent about two cubic kilometers of ash into the atmosphere. These catastrophic types of eruptions send thousands of cubic kilometers of ash skyward.
The hot spot deep beneath Yellowstone acts like a burner. It's a constant source of heat that acts on the upper crust and forms magma chambers that contain tens of thousands of cubic kilometers of molten rock. Such an eruption would disrupt global climate by injecting millions of tons of ash into the atmosphere. Some of the ash would remain in the atmosphere for years, reflect sunlight back into space and cool the planet, significantly affecting life. In addition, a blanket of ash over a meter thick would be deposited in regions within 600 miles, and effectively smother life there.
More than 100 countries have abolished the death penalty in law or practice. The USA by contrast has increased its rate of executions and the number of crimes punishable by death. Thirty-eight states currently have the death penalty on their statute books. More than 350 people have been executed in the USA since 1990. More than 3,300 others are on death row. More than half the nations of the world (and all of the so-called "developed nations," except for the U.S.) have outlawed capital punishment. In an era in which the United States is attempting to take the lead on universal rights and free democracy, how can it continue to promulgate a punishment deemed draconian by many of its allies? Further, the Eighth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, the nation's foundational document, prohibits the infliction of "cruel and unusual punishment." What could be more cruel than the taking of a person's life, particularly, as is often the case, by means of a device as barbaric as the electric chair?
Children have not reached a full understanding of their actions. However, in 24 US states people can be sentenced to death for crimes committed when they were children. In 1989 the US Supreme Court ruled that it was not unconstitutional to execute mentally retarded people. Since then some 30 mentally impaired people have been executed. However, some positive steps have been taken. In 1998 Nebraska became the 12th state to adopt a law banning the execution of mentally retarded prisoners. Whether someone is sentenced to life or death can depend more on their lawyer than on the crime. A defendant who cannot afford an experienced and competent lawyer is more likely to be sentenced to death than someone who can.
One execution is one too many because, no matter how it's carried out, the death penalty is cruel, inhuman and degrading. It’s an assault on human dignity and a violation of human rights. A startling number of inmates on death row have had convictions overturned on DNA evidence not available at the time of the trial. If we could absolutlely 100% damn well guarentee that this person is unrepentantly guilty of an unbelievably heinous crime - then maybe, MAYBE they have forfeited their right to live. BUT ONLY by the decision, and at THE HANDS of those closest to the victim! NOT BY SOME GOVERNMENT HACK!
BUT even this is by definition impossible. We are human and we are amazingly prone to error. History is full of times when the greatest minds have made baffelingly simple errors (anyone remember crashing a space probe into Mars because someone forgot to convert Metric to English?. And the people we have running the judicial system are far from "our greatest minds". They miscalculate, underestimate, overestimate, or misjudge every single day - luckily it rarely has to do with another person's life.
The point is we are not perfect and death penalty convictions have been overturned because there was something we didn't see before - maybe something we couldn't see - or someone just plain lied. It is beyond doubt that America's "Justice System" has executed innocent people. So what, we have DNA now - we won't make mistakes? Ever hear of PLANTED EVIDENCE? Never happens you say? Think again. IT HAPPENS! NO-ONE can be trusted with this kind of power. How do we decide what crimes are capital crimes? Murder? Manslaughter? The US Army executed a man for desertion -- is that right? The Rosenbergs were executed for conspiracy, not espionage -- because there wasn't enough evidence to convict them of espionage. The Supreme Court decided in 1977 that you cannot execute someone for rape -- the punishment is disproportionate to the crime. 17 blacks and 3 whites were currently awaiting execution on the charge of rape. If the Court is correct that it's wrong to execute someone for rape, what about all the people who had already been executed? Some say the death penalty is racist. I believe that more than that, it is MONEY that is a major part of deciding who lives and dies, and most blacks brought up on serious crimes don't get competant defense for a lack of it.
The United States has killed thousands of people by way of the death penalty. Some were innocent. I believe that part of the reason events like September 11 2001 are happening to America, with increasing frequency, is it's peoples coldhearted attitude towards life, as in the case of ABORTION. The increasing use of the death penalty is another. You live by the sword, you will DIE by the sword. PURE AND SIMPLE. On June 11 2001, the person who allegedly committed the worst terror attack on American soil up to that time, Timothy McVeigh, was killed at the hands of the U.S. government. We all know what happened 3 months later, to the day. A warning to the perceptive. The bottom line is: I believe in self defense, with maximum force if nessesary. However, Most of our leaders are completely corrupt, and some, downright evil. And a "justice" system that thumbs it's nose at the constitution, and cares very little about truth, and nothing about fairness, must NEVER be given the power to decide who lives, and who dies.
Children have not reached a full understanding of their actions. However, in 24 US states people can be sentenced to death for crimes committed when they were children. In 1989 the US Supreme Court ruled that it was not unconstitutional to execute mentally retarded people. Since then some 30 mentally impaired people have been executed. However, some positive steps have been taken. In 1998 Nebraska became the 12th state to adopt a law banning the execution of mentally retarded prisoners. Whether someone is sentenced to life or death can depend more on their lawyer than on the crime. A defendant who cannot afford an experienced and competent lawyer is more likely to be sentenced to death than someone who can.
One execution is one too many because, no matter how it's carried out, the death penalty is cruel, inhuman and degrading. It’s an assault on human dignity and a violation of human rights. A startling number of inmates on death row have had convictions overturned on DNA evidence not available at the time of the trial. If we could absolutlely 100% damn well guarentee that this person is unrepentantly guilty of an unbelievably heinous crime - then maybe, MAYBE they have forfeited their right to live. BUT ONLY by the decision, and at THE HANDS of those closest to the victim! NOT BY SOME GOVERNMENT HACK!
BUT even this is by definition impossible. We are human and we are amazingly prone to error. History is full of times when the greatest minds have made baffelingly simple errors (anyone remember crashing a space probe into Mars because someone forgot to convert Metric to English?. And the people we have running the judicial system are far from "our greatest minds". They miscalculate, underestimate, overestimate, or misjudge every single day - luckily it rarely has to do with another person's life.
The point is we are not perfect and death penalty convictions have been overturned because there was something we didn't see before - maybe something we couldn't see - or someone just plain lied. It is beyond doubt that America's "Justice System" has executed innocent people. So what, we have DNA now - we won't make mistakes? Ever hear of PLANTED EVIDENCE? Never happens you say? Think again. IT HAPPENS! NO-ONE can be trusted with this kind of power. How do we decide what crimes are capital crimes? Murder? Manslaughter? The US Army executed a man for desertion -- is that right? The Rosenbergs were executed for conspiracy, not espionage -- because there wasn't enough evidence to convict them of espionage. The Supreme Court decided in 1977 that you cannot execute someone for rape -- the punishment is disproportionate to the crime. 17 blacks and 3 whites were currently awaiting execution on the charge of rape. If the Court is correct that it's wrong to execute someone for rape, what about all the people who had already been executed? Some say the death penalty is racist. I believe that more than that, it is MONEY that is a major part of deciding who lives and dies, and most blacks brought up on serious crimes don't get competant defense for a lack of it.
The United States has killed thousands of people by way of the death penalty. Some were innocent. I believe that part of the reason events like September 11 2001 are happening to America, with increasing frequency, is it's peoples coldhearted attitude towards life, as in the case of ABORTION. The increasing use of the death penalty is another. You live by the sword, you will DIE by the sword. PURE AND SIMPLE. On June 11 2001, the person who allegedly committed the worst terror attack on American soil up to that time, Timothy McVeigh, was killed at the hands of the U.S. government. We all know what happened 3 months later, to the day. A warning to the perceptive. The bottom line is: I believe in self defense, with maximum force if nessesary. However, Most of our leaders are completely corrupt, and some, downright evil. And a "justice" system that thumbs it's nose at the constitution, and cares very little about truth, and nothing about fairness, must NEVER be given the power to decide who lives, and who dies.
From Nero burning Rome, to Hitler burning the Reichstag. From Pearl Harbor to Oklahoma City, and now the attack on 9-11, the history of tyrannical governments allowing or committing acts of terrorism on their own peoples and institutions to gain more control over them, and to justify globalist wars to fund the international war machine, is well documented. There are traitors in America. Traitors in high government positions, They sometimes masquerade as conservatives, but they are actually one world government socialists bent on the destruction of America, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and your freedom, in order to usher in their long dreamed of global government. Globalists have seized control of both the Democrat and Republican Parties, and their agenda is the same. Who gained from 9-11? The despots and financiers of THE MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX, those who feed off of war, and those seeking control and enslavement of the masses.
The invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan were planned in 1992 during the first Bush administration, by Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld and Pearl. When they got back into power in 2001 they had an opportunity to enact their plan. The problem was that they needed a catalyst, an event that would justify these invasions. In 1962 the Joint Chief's OK'D a covert CIA plan called "Operation Northwoods". This was the plan where American cities would be bombed and American planes would be hijacked and blamed on Cuba in order to justify an invasion. President Kennedy rejected the plan and was assassinated. These types of criminals run our government today.
*In the days leading up to the 9-11 attacks, a record number of stocks, hundreds of millions of dollars worth, from the companies that would be devastated on September 11, such as United and American airlines, were sold off. A jump in UAL put options were 90 times (not 90 percent) above normal between Sept. 6 and Sept.10, and 285 times higher than average on the Thursday before the attack. A jump in American Airlines put options 60 times (not 60 percent) above normal on the day before the attacks. No similar trading occurred on any other airlines. This was a big news story for a couple of days after 9-11, but it suddenly and mysteriously dissappeared. ABC World News reported on Sept. 20, 2001 "Jonathan Winer, an ABC News consultant said, 'it's absolutely unprecedented to see cases of insider trading covering the entire world from Japan, to the U.S., to North America, to Europe." How much money was involved? Andreas von Bulow, a former member of the German Parliament responsible for oversight of Germany's intelligence services estimated the worldwide amount at $15 billion. Not a single U.S. or foreign investigative agency has announced any arrests or developments in the investigation of these trades, the most telling evidence of foreknowledge of the attacks. This, in spite of the fact that former Security and Exchange Commission enforcement chief William McLucas told Bloomberg News that regulators would "certainly be able to track down every trade." They found exactly where the trail was leading, then the story suddenly dropped out of site. They dropped the pursuit of this story for one reason only: BECAUSE IT WOULD LEAD RIGHT TO THE PEOPLE WHO CONTROL THE MEDIA AND THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT!
*On the morning of September 11, the CIA was running a drill which centred around the scenario of planes crashing into government buildings. In yet another 'extraordinary coincidence' the CIA said that the operation had been planned for months but was cancelled as soon as the 'real' attack unfolded. This so-called drill was likely used to get NORAD to stand down. When it was announced that the planes had been hijacked word would have come down that it was just a CIA drill and not to respond. The existence of this 'drill' was released and watered down to prevent the whole truth coming out later. This also destroys the government's lie that the thought of airliners being used as weapons never crossed their minds!
*At 8:40am on 9-11-01, NORAD claimed to have been first notified. It had time to protect the South Tower and Washington, even given its bizarre choice of bases to scramble. And it still had ample opportunity to protect both New York City and Washington even if it insisted that all interceptors fly subsonic, simply by redeploying airborne fighters. Comparing NORAD's timeline to reports from air traffic control reveals inexplicable delays in the times the FAA took to report the deviating aircraft. The delays include an 18-minute delay in reporting Flight 11 and a 39-minute delay in reporting Flight 77. The delays are made all the more suspicious given that, in each case, the plane failed to respond to communications, was off-course, and had stopped emitting its IFF signal. No plausible explanation has been provided for failing to scramble interceptors in a timely fashion from bases within easy range to protect the September 11th targets. Fighters that were dispatched were scrambled from distant bases. Early in the attack, when Flight 11 had turned directly south toward New York City, it was obvious that New York City and the World Trade Center, and Washington D.C. would be likely targets. Yet fighters were not scrambled from the bases near the targets. They were only scrambled from distant bases. Moreover there were no redundant or backup scrambles. Flight 93 was headed for the Capitol building. There were rumors that flight 93 had been shot down. But we now know that the fighter jets sent up to defend Washington did not know Flight 93 was approaching, and could not have stopped it. It would have made it easily if the passengers had not become unruly, and were about to storm the cockpit. Apparently the passengers found out what the situation was, and decided to take action. Imagine that on top of the other three attacks, we had the smouldering ruins of the Capitol building, and many top political leaders dead in the ashes? We would have certainly seen Martial law. The globalists would have allowed this final attack, in order to increase the shock value, and further justify their long dreamed of police state and global wars.
*On September 10, 2001, Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld held a press conference to announce that $2.3 TRILLION was missing from Pentagon coffers and could not be located. Amid the following months of dust and rubble at the World Trade Center, the question of this missing money was never heard again.
*David Schippers, Chief Council for the House Judiciary Committee and head prosecutor responsible conducting the impeachment against former President Clinton, went public revealing that months BEFORE the 9-11 attacks, many FBI agents had come to him informing him about the impending attacks. These agents knew the names of the hijackers, the targets of their attacks, the proposed dates, and the sources of the terrorists' funding, etc., many months in advance of the 9/11 attacks. The FBI command pulled them off of their investigations into these terrorists and threatened them with the National Security Act and told them that if they talked about any of the information pertaining to their investigations, they would be prosecuted. Many of them sought the council of Mr. Schippers wanting to get somebody in the U.S. government to take action and stop these attacks, before their plan could be implemented. Mr. Schippers talked to many Congressmen and Senators, and even tried to get a hold of Att. Gen. John Ashcroft, only to get the run-around.
*Delmart Vreeland, an American citizen who was US Naval Lieutenant assigned to the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), was in a Canadian jail on minor charges from December 6, 2000 until 2002. On August 11 of 2001, after trying to verbally alert his Canadian jailers to the coming World Trade Center attacks, he wrote down key information and sealed it in an envelope which he then had placed in jailers' custody. The notes were eerie. They specifically listed a number of targets including The World Trade Center, The White House, and The Pentagon. When the envelope was opened on September 14th, it set off alarms in the US and Canada. This event is not disputed by Canadian authorities. After being freed by Canadian authorities, he was supposed to appear in a US court on minor charges, but he never showed up. Vreeland is now a fugitive from both Canadian and American justice. Is Vreeland a spy whose government has turned on him? His former lawyers Rocco Galati and Paul Slansky, two former Canadian prosecutors, were the victims of harassment and threats including dead cats hung on porches and car windows smashed out in car burglaries. Apparently Vreeland fears for his life, with good reason, and is in hiding.
*On September 13, 2001, while the world was fixated on the terrorist attacks, China was quickly and quietly admitted to the World Trade Organization, and given most favored nation status, after 15 years of unsuccessful attempts. These globalist traitors waited until there was a diversion like 9-11 to sell out America and the rest of the world, and they used the 3000 American lives lost on 9-11 to do it!
*The pilot of the American Airlines flight 77 that on the morning of 9/11 had crashed into the Pentagon, was Charles Burlingame, an ex- F4 Navy flyer. He had as his last Navy mission, helped craft Pentagon response plans in the event of a commercial airliner hitting the Pentagon. What an ironic way of getting rid of someone who may have known too much!
*William Rodriguez, declared a hero for saving numerous lives at Ground Zero, was the janitor on duty at WTC the morning of 9/11. He heard and felt explosions rock the basement sub-levels of the north tower seconds BEFORE the jetliner struck the top floors. He not only claims he felt explosions coming from below the first sub-level while working in the basement, he says the walls were cracking around him and he pulled a man to safety by the name of Felipe David, who was severely burned from the basement explosions. All these events occurred seconds BEFORE and during the jetliner strike above. Simple question. How could a jetliner hit 90 floors above and burn a man’s arms and face to a crisp in the basement below within seconds of impact? Rodriguez believes a controlled demolition brought down the WTC. His story has been ignored by the media and the government. Rodriguez’s story blows the lid off the government story, exposing the whole 9/11 investigation as a sham and a cover-up of the worst kind. NBC news spent a full day at his house taping his comments. But his story was never aired. His eyewitness account is backed up by at least 14 people who were at the scene with him. His story can be backed up and verified with hospital records and testimony from many others.
*A movie aired on Fox on March 4, 2001, called "The Lone Gunmen". It foretold the 9-11 attacks on the World Trade Center, with some interesting and revealing twists. In the story, a faction within the government organized a remote control takeover of a commercial airliner, which it then aimed into the World Trade Center. The motive was to start a war to stimulate business for the weapons industry, which had been suffering since the end of the Cold War. The plot was discovered by a government employee who was not part of the faction, a good guy. In the movie, the hero's manage to thwart the disaster. They hack the Defense Department computers and manage to restore the pilots ability to manually override the remote control just moments before the plane would have crashed into the WTC south tower. The climactic scene showed the plane heading into the tower at night from the south, and when the manual override is restored, the pilots lift the plane, just barely missing the World Trade Center. The Illuminati, those behind the scenes of mass media and politics, love to send out signals about what major world event they have planned next. Shortly before the JFK assassination in 1963 they released "The Manchurian Candidate". The plot centered around a man who is programmed under hypnosis to assassinate the president.
*In remarks made by Tom Kennedy, a spokesman for the Federal Emergency Management Agency's(FEMA) "National Urban Search and Rescue Team" during an interview on national TV with CBS News anchor Dan Rather shortly after the attacks, let slip a frightening truth: FEMA sent the Urban Search and Rescue Team to New York City the night BEFORE the attacks occurred! Mr. Kennedy told Dan Rather, "We were one of the first teams that was deployed to support the City of New York in this disaster. We arrived on late Monday night, September 10th, and went right into action on Tuesday morning", September 11th. Also, many people who were in the WTC towers who managed to get out before it collapsed were saying that there were bombs going off inside (even in the basement levels). Just one of the many of such accounts that appeared in the mainstream press, firefighter Louie Cacchioli said: "We think there were bombs going off" as they entered tower number two.
*On October 26, 2001 George Bush signed the misnamed USA Patriot Act, which was proposed just FIVE DAYS after 9-11! Just six weeks later this bill was passed. It is IMPOSSIBLE for a bill to be conceived, written, debated, and passed this quickly. You see, they had ALREADY WRITTEN THE BILL BEFORE 9-11, and needed this disaster to justify it's passage.
*The NY lottery came up 911 on 9/11/02, the first anniversary of 9-11. The chance of "911" coming up on "9/11" specifically and particularly on 9/11/02, the very first anniversary of the attack on the WTC, is far higher than you could calculate. And the S&P futures index closed at EXACTLY "911.00" on 9/11/02. If it closed at "911.00" often, then it would be reasonable to assume it was just a coincidence. But the S&P futures index had never closed at exactly "911.00" before. What is the probability of that happening for the first time, and maybe never again, on 9/11/02, the very first anniversary of the attack on the WTC? If such `coincidences' were both: 1) extremely improbable (i.e. of the order of billions to one); and 2) specified (i.e. not just any number but "911" exactly); It would have to be concluded that it was either a sign from God, OR a very sick signal that the hidden elite send to let people know that they control the stock market, the lottery, AND events like 9-11.
* In June 2001 several publications reported that the US was planning a war in Afghanistan in the fall of 2001, in order to unseat the Taliban. They were claiming that the primary reason for these hostilities would be the Taliban's unwillingness to cooperate with UN inspectors, a pretext that would have not gone over well. They recieved a better pretext for attacking with the 9-11 attacks. Of course what they really wanted was to aggressively expand U.S. (globalist) influence throughout the region, and eventually secure a pipeline through Afghanistan for the benefit of UNOCAL and other big globalist oil companies. Without the pretext of revenge for the 9-11 attacks, the middle eastern wars would have never happened.
* There was a remarkable ‘signature" of the 9/11 attacks. They occurred exactly 11 years to the day after President George Bush Senior gave a major address to Congress entitled, "Toward A New World Order". That address was on September 11, 1990. Precisely 11 years to the day later, American Airlines Flight 11 started the attacks of 9-11-2001 when it slammed into the north tower of the World Trade Center. The towers, of course, symbolized a huge 11 over the skies of New York. The Pentagon was modeled after the satanic symbol of the pentagram. Another fact about the Pentagon is that it's ground breaking ceremony, and beginning of construction, took place on SEPTEMBER 11th 1941. Of course, 911 has been the emergency phone number in the United States since the 1970's. What better way to start an era of a perpetual war, and a perpetual state of emergency, than using a date that was already numerically etched into the minds of people as a number associated with "EMERGENCY". Numerology and symbolism are very important to the occult, to which many of our leaders belong. And their main goal is a "New World Order", with them in charge. Why is the Number ‘11’ important? Occultists believe it is an important number of the coming Antichrist. God assigns the Number ‘11’ to Antichrist in Daniel 7:7-8.
If we are to believe the corporate media and military industrial war machine, 19 Arabs armed only with concealed Stanley Knife-type blades and pepper spray, and funded by Bin Laden, somehow changed the course of world history on 9-11-01, and that's the beginning and end of it. Given the close monitoring of Bin Laden by our intelligence community over the years leading up to the attacks, and the facts presented on this page, one could only conclude that they either knew about it in advance, and allowed it to happen, or actually covertly supported the attacks in order to get public support for their wars in in the middle east, and for the advancement of a police state here in America.
The Israeli secret service - the MOSSAD - warned the U.S. Government that a terrorist act was about to happen, yet our government did nothing in response. All of the warning flags were there, and the incriminating evidence is right in front of us. President Roosevelt once said that nothing happens in the political unless it is planned. As it was with the attack at Pearl Harbor, so it was with the 9-11 attacks. It was the EXTERNAL source needed to cause Americans to give up freedoms for security, and justify global wars that empower the hidden elite. And, like with Pearl Harbor, they recieved their catalyst on 9-11-2001 at the expense of thousands of American lives. Our own government now has license to spy on and intimidate American citizens, and the International War Machine is in high gear. These conditions exist because of September 11, 2001. The truth of what happened on that day would certainly be difficult for most people to accept. But it's a truth that needs to be understood before the NEXT 9-11, and before the next BIG LIE.
The invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan were planned in 1992 during the first Bush administration, by Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld and Pearl. When they got back into power in 2001 they had an opportunity to enact their plan. The problem was that they needed a catalyst, an event that would justify these invasions. In 1962 the Joint Chief's OK'D a covert CIA plan called "Operation Northwoods". This was the plan where American cities would be bombed and American planes would be hijacked and blamed on Cuba in order to justify an invasion. President Kennedy rejected the plan and was assassinated. These types of criminals run our government today.
*In the days leading up to the 9-11 attacks, a record number of stocks, hundreds of millions of dollars worth, from the companies that would be devastated on September 11, such as United and American airlines, were sold off. A jump in UAL put options were 90 times (not 90 percent) above normal between Sept. 6 and Sept.10, and 285 times higher than average on the Thursday before the attack. A jump in American Airlines put options 60 times (not 60 percent) above normal on the day before the attacks. No similar trading occurred on any other airlines. This was a big news story for a couple of days after 9-11, but it suddenly and mysteriously dissappeared. ABC World News reported on Sept. 20, 2001 "Jonathan Winer, an ABC News consultant said, 'it's absolutely unprecedented to see cases of insider trading covering the entire world from Japan, to the U.S., to North America, to Europe." How much money was involved? Andreas von Bulow, a former member of the German Parliament responsible for oversight of Germany's intelligence services estimated the worldwide amount at $15 billion. Not a single U.S. or foreign investigative agency has announced any arrests or developments in the investigation of these trades, the most telling evidence of foreknowledge of the attacks. This, in spite of the fact that former Security and Exchange Commission enforcement chief William McLucas told Bloomberg News that regulators would "certainly be able to track down every trade." They found exactly where the trail was leading, then the story suddenly dropped out of site. They dropped the pursuit of this story for one reason only: BECAUSE IT WOULD LEAD RIGHT TO THE PEOPLE WHO CONTROL THE MEDIA AND THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT!
*On the morning of September 11, the CIA was running a drill which centred around the scenario of planes crashing into government buildings. In yet another 'extraordinary coincidence' the CIA said that the operation had been planned for months but was cancelled as soon as the 'real' attack unfolded. This so-called drill was likely used to get NORAD to stand down. When it was announced that the planes had been hijacked word would have come down that it was just a CIA drill and not to respond. The existence of this 'drill' was released and watered down to prevent the whole truth coming out later. This also destroys the government's lie that the thought of airliners being used as weapons never crossed their minds!
*At 8:40am on 9-11-01, NORAD claimed to have been first notified. It had time to protect the South Tower and Washington, even given its bizarre choice of bases to scramble. And it still had ample opportunity to protect both New York City and Washington even if it insisted that all interceptors fly subsonic, simply by redeploying airborne fighters. Comparing NORAD's timeline to reports from air traffic control reveals inexplicable delays in the times the FAA took to report the deviating aircraft. The delays include an 18-minute delay in reporting Flight 11 and a 39-minute delay in reporting Flight 77. The delays are made all the more suspicious given that, in each case, the plane failed to respond to communications, was off-course, and had stopped emitting its IFF signal. No plausible explanation has been provided for failing to scramble interceptors in a timely fashion from bases within easy range to protect the September 11th targets. Fighters that were dispatched were scrambled from distant bases. Early in the attack, when Flight 11 had turned directly south toward New York City, it was obvious that New York City and the World Trade Center, and Washington D.C. would be likely targets. Yet fighters were not scrambled from the bases near the targets. They were only scrambled from distant bases. Moreover there were no redundant or backup scrambles. Flight 93 was headed for the Capitol building. There were rumors that flight 93 had been shot down. But we now know that the fighter jets sent up to defend Washington did not know Flight 93 was approaching, and could not have stopped it. It would have made it easily if the passengers had not become unruly, and were about to storm the cockpit. Apparently the passengers found out what the situation was, and decided to take action. Imagine that on top of the other three attacks, we had the smouldering ruins of the Capitol building, and many top political leaders dead in the ashes? We would have certainly seen Martial law. The globalists would have allowed this final attack, in order to increase the shock value, and further justify their long dreamed of police state and global wars.
*On September 10, 2001, Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld held a press conference to announce that $2.3 TRILLION was missing from Pentagon coffers and could not be located. Amid the following months of dust and rubble at the World Trade Center, the question of this missing money was never heard again.
*David Schippers, Chief Council for the House Judiciary Committee and head prosecutor responsible conducting the impeachment against former President Clinton, went public revealing that months BEFORE the 9-11 attacks, many FBI agents had come to him informing him about the impending attacks. These agents knew the names of the hijackers, the targets of their attacks, the proposed dates, and the sources of the terrorists' funding, etc., many months in advance of the 9/11 attacks. The FBI command pulled them off of their investigations into these terrorists and threatened them with the National Security Act and told them that if they talked about any of the information pertaining to their investigations, they would be prosecuted. Many of them sought the council of Mr. Schippers wanting to get somebody in the U.S. government to take action and stop these attacks, before their plan could be implemented. Mr. Schippers talked to many Congressmen and Senators, and even tried to get a hold of Att. Gen. John Ashcroft, only to get the run-around.
*Delmart Vreeland, an American citizen who was US Naval Lieutenant assigned to the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), was in a Canadian jail on minor charges from December 6, 2000 until 2002. On August 11 of 2001, after trying to verbally alert his Canadian jailers to the coming World Trade Center attacks, he wrote down key information and sealed it in an envelope which he then had placed in jailers' custody. The notes were eerie. They specifically listed a number of targets including The World Trade Center, The White House, and The Pentagon. When the envelope was opened on September 14th, it set off alarms in the US and Canada. This event is not disputed by Canadian authorities. After being freed by Canadian authorities, he was supposed to appear in a US court on minor charges, but he never showed up. Vreeland is now a fugitive from both Canadian and American justice. Is Vreeland a spy whose government has turned on him? His former lawyers Rocco Galati and Paul Slansky, two former Canadian prosecutors, were the victims of harassment and threats including dead cats hung on porches and car windows smashed out in car burglaries. Apparently Vreeland fears for his life, with good reason, and is in hiding.
*On September 13, 2001, while the world was fixated on the terrorist attacks, China was quickly and quietly admitted to the World Trade Organization, and given most favored nation status, after 15 years of unsuccessful attempts. These globalist traitors waited until there was a diversion like 9-11 to sell out America and the rest of the world, and they used the 3000 American lives lost on 9-11 to do it!
*The pilot of the American Airlines flight 77 that on the morning of 9/11 had crashed into the Pentagon, was Charles Burlingame, an ex- F4 Navy flyer. He had as his last Navy mission, helped craft Pentagon response plans in the event of a commercial airliner hitting the Pentagon. What an ironic way of getting rid of someone who may have known too much!
*William Rodriguez, declared a hero for saving numerous lives at Ground Zero, was the janitor on duty at WTC the morning of 9/11. He heard and felt explosions rock the basement sub-levels of the north tower seconds BEFORE the jetliner struck the top floors. He not only claims he felt explosions coming from below the first sub-level while working in the basement, he says the walls were cracking around him and he pulled a man to safety by the name of Felipe David, who was severely burned from the basement explosions. All these events occurred seconds BEFORE and during the jetliner strike above. Simple question. How could a jetliner hit 90 floors above and burn a man’s arms and face to a crisp in the basement below within seconds of impact? Rodriguez believes a controlled demolition brought down the WTC. His story has been ignored by the media and the government. Rodriguez’s story blows the lid off the government story, exposing the whole 9/11 investigation as a sham and a cover-up of the worst kind. NBC news spent a full day at his house taping his comments. But his story was never aired. His eyewitness account is backed up by at least 14 people who were at the scene with him. His story can be backed up and verified with hospital records and testimony from many others.
*A movie aired on Fox on March 4, 2001, called "The Lone Gunmen". It foretold the 9-11 attacks on the World Trade Center, with some interesting and revealing twists. In the story, a faction within the government organized a remote control takeover of a commercial airliner, which it then aimed into the World Trade Center. The motive was to start a war to stimulate business for the weapons industry, which had been suffering since the end of the Cold War. The plot was discovered by a government employee who was not part of the faction, a good guy. In the movie, the hero's manage to thwart the disaster. They hack the Defense Department computers and manage to restore the pilots ability to manually override the remote control just moments before the plane would have crashed into the WTC south tower. The climactic scene showed the plane heading into the tower at night from the south, and when the manual override is restored, the pilots lift the plane, just barely missing the World Trade Center. The Illuminati, those behind the scenes of mass media and politics, love to send out signals about what major world event they have planned next. Shortly before the JFK assassination in 1963 they released "The Manchurian Candidate". The plot centered around a man who is programmed under hypnosis to assassinate the president.
*In remarks made by Tom Kennedy, a spokesman for the Federal Emergency Management Agency's(FEMA) "National Urban Search and Rescue Team" during an interview on national TV with CBS News anchor Dan Rather shortly after the attacks, let slip a frightening truth: FEMA sent the Urban Search and Rescue Team to New York City the night BEFORE the attacks occurred! Mr. Kennedy told Dan Rather, "We were one of the first teams that was deployed to support the City of New York in this disaster. We arrived on late Monday night, September 10th, and went right into action on Tuesday morning", September 11th. Also, many people who were in the WTC towers who managed to get out before it collapsed were saying that there were bombs going off inside (even in the basement levels). Just one of the many of such accounts that appeared in the mainstream press, firefighter Louie Cacchioli said: "We think there were bombs going off" as they entered tower number two.
*On October 26, 2001 George Bush signed the misnamed USA Patriot Act, which was proposed just FIVE DAYS after 9-11! Just six weeks later this bill was passed. It is IMPOSSIBLE for a bill to be conceived, written, debated, and passed this quickly. You see, they had ALREADY WRITTEN THE BILL BEFORE 9-11, and needed this disaster to justify it's passage.
*The NY lottery came up 911 on 9/11/02, the first anniversary of 9-11. The chance of "911" coming up on "9/11" specifically and particularly on 9/11/02, the very first anniversary of the attack on the WTC, is far higher than you could calculate. And the S&P futures index closed at EXACTLY "911.00" on 9/11/02. If it closed at "911.00" often, then it would be reasonable to assume it was just a coincidence. But the S&P futures index had never closed at exactly "911.00" before. What is the probability of that happening for the first time, and maybe never again, on 9/11/02, the very first anniversary of the attack on the WTC? If such `coincidences' were both: 1) extremely improbable (i.e. of the order of billions to one); and 2) specified (i.e. not just any number but "911" exactly); It would have to be concluded that it was either a sign from God, OR a very sick signal that the hidden elite send to let people know that they control the stock market, the lottery, AND events like 9-11.
* In June 2001 several publications reported that the US was planning a war in Afghanistan in the fall of 2001, in order to unseat the Taliban. They were claiming that the primary reason for these hostilities would be the Taliban's unwillingness to cooperate with UN inspectors, a pretext that would have not gone over well. They recieved a better pretext for attacking with the 9-11 attacks. Of course what they really wanted was to aggressively expand U.S. (globalist) influence throughout the region, and eventually secure a pipeline through Afghanistan for the benefit of UNOCAL and other big globalist oil companies. Without the pretext of revenge for the 9-11 attacks, the middle eastern wars would have never happened.
* There was a remarkable ‘signature" of the 9/11 attacks. They occurred exactly 11 years to the day after President George Bush Senior gave a major address to Congress entitled, "Toward A New World Order". That address was on September 11, 1990. Precisely 11 years to the day later, American Airlines Flight 11 started the attacks of 9-11-2001 when it slammed into the north tower of the World Trade Center. The towers, of course, symbolized a huge 11 over the skies of New York. The Pentagon was modeled after the satanic symbol of the pentagram. Another fact about the Pentagon is that it's ground breaking ceremony, and beginning of construction, took place on SEPTEMBER 11th 1941. Of course, 911 has been the emergency phone number in the United States since the 1970's. What better way to start an era of a perpetual war, and a perpetual state of emergency, than using a date that was already numerically etched into the minds of people as a number associated with "EMERGENCY". Numerology and symbolism are very important to the occult, to which many of our leaders belong. And their main goal is a "New World Order", with them in charge. Why is the Number ‘11’ important? Occultists believe it is an important number of the coming Antichrist. God assigns the Number ‘11’ to Antichrist in Daniel 7:7-8.
If we are to believe the corporate media and military industrial war machine, 19 Arabs armed only with concealed Stanley Knife-type blades and pepper spray, and funded by Bin Laden, somehow changed the course of world history on 9-11-01, and that's the beginning and end of it. Given the close monitoring of Bin Laden by our intelligence community over the years leading up to the attacks, and the facts presented on this page, one could only conclude that they either knew about it in advance, and allowed it to happen, or actually covertly supported the attacks in order to get public support for their wars in in the middle east, and for the advancement of a police state here in America.
The Israeli secret service - the MOSSAD - warned the U.S. Government that a terrorist act was about to happen, yet our government did nothing in response. All of the warning flags were there, and the incriminating evidence is right in front of us. President Roosevelt once said that nothing happens in the political unless it is planned. As it was with the attack at Pearl Harbor, so it was with the 9-11 attacks. It was the EXTERNAL source needed to cause Americans to give up freedoms for security, and justify global wars that empower the hidden elite. And, like with Pearl Harbor, they recieved their catalyst on 9-11-2001 at the expense of thousands of American lives. Our own government now has license to spy on and intimidate American citizens, and the International War Machine is in high gear. These conditions exist because of September 11, 2001. The truth of what happened on that day would certainly be difficult for most people to accept. But it's a truth that needs to be understood before the NEXT 9-11, and before the next BIG LIE.
John F. Kennedy was far from perfect, in his personal life, or in some of the decisions he made as president. However, unlike most presidents, he had some good ideas, and he had plans to enact them. For example, he had plans to abolish the Federal Reserve system, which prints worthless money backed by nothing, and charges interest on it, making us a debtor nation to a group of international bankers. He wanted to use United States Notes, and he signed a presidential document, called Executive Order 11110, on June 4, 1963. This gave JFK, as U.S. President, legal clearance to create true money, that would belong to the people, and eliminate the Federal Reserve Bank, and their false money. Kennedy had already begun issuing U.S. government money that was free of debt to replace the Federal Reserve dollars we have been using. A number of "Kennedy bills" were indeed issued - with the heading "United States Note", instead of "Federal Reserve Note" - but were quickly withdrawn after Kennedy's death. Records show that Kennedy issued $4,292,893,825 of true money. It was clear that Kennedy was out to eliminate the criminal Federal Reserve System. It is interesting to note that, only one day after Kennedy's assassination, all the United States notes which Kennedy had issued were called out of circulation. All of the money President Kennedy had created was destroyed, and not a word was said to the American people.
In 1962, the Joint Chiefs of Staff presented Kennedy with Operation Northwoods. Operation Northwoods would have had our own government inflicting terrorist attacks upon US citizens, and blaming it on our enemies, to justify wars and political assassinations. Kennedy rejected it. He planned to abolish the CIA's right to conduct covert operations, and eventually dismantle it. Kennedy said he would "splinter the CIA into a Thousand Pieces". Kennedy's intent to abolish the Federal Reserve Bank, his rejection of Operation Northwoods, and his plan to eliminate CIA covert operations planted the seeds for the CIA's assassination of him. Lee Harvey Oswald was linked to virtually every group that had a reason to want Kennedy dead. In the years before Kennedy's death as a Marine, Oswald worked as a radar operator at U-2 spy plane bases. After leaving the Marines he defected to the Soviet Union. While in Russia he married the niece of a KGB colonel, and he lived in relative luxury, likely in exchange for false or already outdated information on the U-2 that he passed to the Russians. Oswald apparently pretended to be a traitor to America, while actually working for the CIA. On returning to the U.S. Oswald propagandized for Castro's Cuba out of a New Orleans building he shared with a CIA/FBI agent trying to overthrow Castro named Guy Banister. Delphine Roberts worked for Banister. She said that, "Mr. Banister had been a special agent for the FBI and CIA." She saw her CIA agent boss meet with Lee Harvey Oswald in September 1963. This story was supported by her daughter, who also met Oswald during this period. Oswald also distributed Pro-Castro leaflets in New Orleans in 1963, with the address of his CIA contact Banister stamped on them.
There was a three-page letter from CIA Director John McCone to Secret Service Chief James Rowley in which McCone acknowledges Oswald worked for the CIA, and was in Russia for that purpose, not as a defector. It discussed how this information should be withheld from the Warren Commission. Allen Dulles' advice to other members of the Warren Commission was that CIA operatives consider it their patriotic duty to lie under oath if necessary to protect "Company" secrets. A Dallas deputy sheriff, Allen Sweatt, was quoted as saying that Oswald was being paid $200 a month by the government at the time of the assassination, and had been assigned an informant number. In October 1963 Oswald moved to Dallas where he got a job in the Texas Book Depository for $1.25 an hour boxing and shipping books. It's beyond strange how someone who was so clearly connected to the CIA would just happen to get a job working at one of the best sniping points in Dallas, by which the President's open car motorcade would just happen to pass a few weeks after he started working there. Oswald was set up to be the fall guy. On November 22, 1963 at the book depository, around 12:15, secretary Carolyn Arnold saw Oswald in the second floor snack room, where she said he went for a Coke. He was sitting in one of the booths alone, as usual, and appeared to be having lunch. She testified: "I did not speak to him, but I recognized him clearly. I remember it was 12:15 or later. It could have been 12:25, five minutes before the assassination, I don't exactly remember." At the same time, Bonnie Ray Williams was on the sixth floor until 12:20, and he saw nobody. Down on the street, Arnold Rowland saw two men in the sixth floor windows, presumably after Bonnie Ray Williams finished his lunch and left.
Kennedy's motorcade was running late. He was due at the Trade Mart at 12:25. If Oswald was one of the assassins, he was pretty nonchalant about getting himself into position. Later he told Dallas police he was standing in the second floor snackroom. A maximum 90 seconds after Kennedy was shot, patrolman Marrion Baker ran into Oswald in that second story lunchroom. He asked Oswald's boss, "Do you know this man? Is he an employee?" He told Baker that he was. As Baker moved on, he told Oswald, "The President's been shot!" Oswald reacted as if he had heard it for the first time. What the Official Party Line would have us believe is that after firing 3 bolt action shots in 6 seconds, Oswald then left three cartridges neatly side by side in the firing nest, wiped the rifle clear of fingerprints, stashed the rifle on the other side of the loft, sprinted down five flights of stairs, past Victoria Adams and Sandra Styles, who would have, but never saw him, and then showed up cool and calm on the second floor in front of Patrolman Baker within 90 seconds of the shooting the president. Was he out of breath? According to Baker, absolutely not. Was Oswald a "patsy", as he claimed? Most certainly. Whatever can be said of Oswald, one thing is certain: he either knowingly or unknowingly was a pawn for those responsible for assassinating Kennedy.
Jack Ruby, Oswald's assassin, had been stalking Oswald from the time immediately following the assassination, to the moment he shot him. Phillip Willis took a series of 12 photos of Dealey Plaza, where Kennedy was shot, in the minutes before and after the assassination. Mr. Willis' photos and testimony before the Warren Commission appear in the Warren Commission's report. He was not questioned about the eighth photo, a shot of the Book Depository entrance shortly after the assassination. As Willis later pointed out, one of the men in the photo "looks so much like Jack Ruby, Oswald's soon to be assassin, it's pitiful". F.B.I. agents questioning Willis agreed with him that the man bore a powerful resemblance to Ruby. When Willis mentioned this to the Commission, no interest was shown. When the photo was published in the Warren Report, a considerable part of the Ruby lookalike's face had been cropped away. On February 18, 2008, A cache of JFK-related memorabilia was discovered by the Dallas County District Attorney’s Office, and released to the public. It included a transcript of an alleged meeting between Jack Ruby and Lee Harvey Oswald two months before Kennedy was killed. As is always the case when a conspiracy is exposed, the mainstream press went to great lengths to cast doubt on the veracity of this document. The meeting between Ruby and Oswald supposedly happened at Ruby’s nightclub on October 4, 1963, less than two months before the Nov. 22 assassination. In it, they talked of killing the president. Says Oswald in the transcript, "I can still do it, all I need is my rifle and a tall building; but it will take time, maybe six months to find the right place; but I’ll have to have some money to live on while I do the planning." Whether the transcript is a fake or not, the fact that a CIA team was hired to kill Kennedy is well documented. What was the final straw that pushed our own government to assassinate Kennedy?
On October 11, 1963 John F. Kennedy signed national security memorandom no. 263, which ordered 1000 American advisors home from Vietnam by December 25, 1963, and that the remainder of the U.S. military be withdrawn by 1965. Kennedy's and Johnson's Secretary of Defense Robert MacNamara has said that Kennedy was going to pull out of Vietnam after the 1964 election. In the film "The Fog of War", not only does McNamara say this, but a tape recording of Lyndon Johnson confirms that Kennedy was planning to withdraw from Vietnam, a position Johnson states he disapproved of. The day after Kennedy's funeral, on November 26, 1963, Lyndon Johnson signed national security resolution no. 273, which completely reversed Kennedy's plan for a withdrawal from Vietnam. Then Johnson fraudulently used the gulf of Tonkin resolution as a blank check to fund the massive military buildup in Vietnam, an agreement Johnson apparently made with the CIA in exchange for them taking out Kennedy, and handing the presidency to him.
There is evidence that Lyndon Johnson was directly involved. Johnson was seen ducking down in his car a good 30 to 40 seconds before the first shots were fired, even before the car turned onto Houston street. Lyndon Johnson was acting as if he knew bullets would soon be flying, ducking down repeatedly before the shots went off. At the ceremony of Johnson being sworn in as president, Congressman Albert Thomas was photographed knowingly winking at a smiling LBJ, while JFK's grieving widow stood next to Johnson. The night before the Kennedy assassination Johnson met with Dallas tycoons, FBI moguls and organized crime kingpins. Johnson's mistress, Madeleine Duncan Brown recalled that "Johnson emerged from the conference to tell her, "'after tomorrow those S.O.B.'s, the Kennedy's, will never embarrass me again - that's no threat - that's a promise.'" "They had this lodge outside of Dallas and they met there on November 21, 1963. Johnson chose different people to do certain things for him, and the group included Oswald's assassin, Jack Ruby. Brown described Ruby as the "in man" in Texas who could be trusted to arrange call girls, drugs, gambling fixes and even contract killings.
According to Madeleine Brown, the group at the meeting included J. Edgar Hoover, Clyde Tolson, John J. McCloy, Jack Ruby, numerous mafia kingpins, several newspaper and TV reporters, and Richard Nixon." Oddly enough, over ten years later Richard Nixon was forced to resign because of the John F. Kennedy assassination. The break-in at the Watergate offices of the Democratic National Committee would have never become the issue to topple a President, except for the need to protect just WHY the crime had been committed. The Democrats had obtained photographs which showed Nixon "associate" E. Howard Hunt to be one of the three tramps arrested and then released in Dealey Plaza. This is why Hunt led the break-in at the Watergate. He was protecting his own posterior. Rather than risk exposure of a far worse scandal, Nixon resigned, turning over the White House to Gerald Ford, the Warren Commission member who would later admit that he had altered the official location of JFK's back wound for the commission. Johnson was still irate when he called Madeleine Brown the morning of the assassination, telling her the Kennedy family would never embarrass him again. Brown highlighted how people who were set to testify against Johnson for indictment proceedings, related to illegal kickbacks Johnson was receiving from agriculture programs before the assassination, were mysteriously set-up in homosexual scandals or found dead, having allegedly shot themselves five times in the head. "Had the assassination not happened the day that it did, Lyndon Johnson would have probably gone to prison - they would have gotten rid of him - he was so involved in this."
Immediately following JFK's assassination in Dallas, government agents fanned out through the crowd, and confiscated all the films that were being taken of Kennedy's motorcade. One exception was Abraham Zapruders home movie. This film was purchased by Time magazine. Time magazine promptly altered key frames,and eliminated others, in order to obstruct and eliminate key evidence of a conspiracy. Those home movies that were seized by the government that afternoon, were never seen or heard again. Regis Kennedy, one of the FBI agents who was gathering up those home movies that afternoon, was supenoed by the House select committee on assassinations, to explain what happened to all those home movies. On the very day he was to testify to that committee, he was found murdered. Over 200 key witnesses to JFK's assassination, who could have testified to the truth of what happened that day, have died under mysterious circumstances, or have been outright murdered.
So exactly who shot JFK? The same hit men the CIA planned to use against Cuban president Fidel Castro, including the famous Watergate burglars E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis, were brought into Dealy plaza on November 22,1963. Immediately after JFK's assassination, law enforcement officers conducted a search of the area behind the grassy knoll, from which many witnesses heard gunshots and saw smoke just after the shots rang out. There were several railroad boxcars in this area. Some of these witnesses saw men running from the fence behind the knoll toward the boxcars. As a result three men were found in one boxcar. They were arrested. These men came to be known as "The three tramps". They were arrested right after the president of the United States was killed, but strangely enough the police did not book, photograph or fingerprint them, and they were released. One thing they didn't expect however, was that as the police led the three derelicts through Dealey Plaza to the sheriff's office, they were photographed by several press photographers. When allegations of a CIA connection with Kennedy's death emerged, these photographs received wide publicity in newspapers, television and in the April 28, 1975 issue of Newsweek magazine. Two of the derelicts or "tramps", as they had come to be called, bore striking resemblances to Nixon burglars E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis respectively, who both worked for the CIA. The 3rd tramp is often referred to as "Raoul", and is a bullseye for the Martin Luther King assassination suspect circulated by the police after King was killed. James Earl Ray would later claim he was set up by a man named "Raoul".
A book titled Coup D'Etat in America, by Alan J. Weberman and Michael Canfield, came out with compelling evidence that two of the three "tramps" arrested in Dallas on November 22 were E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis. When Coup D'Etat in America came out, Hunt sued for millions of dollars in damages, claiming he could prove that he had been in Washington D.C. that day, on duty at CIA. It turned out, however, that this was not true. So, he said that he had been on leave and doing household errands, including a shopping trip to a grocery store in Chinatown. Weberman and Canfield investigated the new alibi and found that the grocery store where Hunt claimed to be shopping never existed. At this point, Hunt offered to drop his suit for a token payment of one dollar. But the authors were determined to vindicate themselves, and they continued to attack Hunt's alibi, ultimately completely shattering it. Using the principles of Biometrics, lines and angles are measured and compared to create a template. The templates are then overlaid for matching. When the pictures of two of the derilicts were tested biometrically against Frank Sturgis and E. Howard Hunt, they came up as 100% perfect matches. It would seem beyond a shadow of doubt that both Hunt and Sturgis worked for the CIA not only as Nixon burglars, but also as part of the team the CIA sent out assassinate JFK.
Assassinating Kennedy, and putting their man Johnson into the presidency helped the military industrial complex and the shadow government reassert their power, and that will help you understand what's been going on in America ever since Kennedy's assassination. These treasonous murderers are opposed to everything the United States is supposed to represent, such as truth, freedom and justice. This is why they go to such great lengths to keep their methods of operation, their true purpose, and even their existence, under a cloak of secrecy. If Americans knew the truth about all of this, they would rise up in anger, and hold them all accountable. As long as these forces remain in control of the government, the coverup will continue. The truth behind the JFK assassination will never be told by the establishment. You and I are subject to their corrupt and injust court system, while they are above the law. International bankers and all of their branch organizations are at the head of this shadow government, and the assassination of president Kennedy was nothing short of a coup, implemented by them. Their pawns in the media keep the American people from learning how their government has been overthrown by them, and they have been, more or less, in complete control of the U.S. government ever since they assassinated JFK on November 22, 1963.
In 1962, the Joint Chiefs of Staff presented Kennedy with Operation Northwoods. Operation Northwoods would have had our own government inflicting terrorist attacks upon US citizens, and blaming it on our enemies, to justify wars and political assassinations. Kennedy rejected it. He planned to abolish the CIA's right to conduct covert operations, and eventually dismantle it. Kennedy said he would "splinter the CIA into a Thousand Pieces". Kennedy's intent to abolish the Federal Reserve Bank, his rejection of Operation Northwoods, and his plan to eliminate CIA covert operations planted the seeds for the CIA's assassination of him. Lee Harvey Oswald was linked to virtually every group that had a reason to want Kennedy dead. In the years before Kennedy's death as a Marine, Oswald worked as a radar operator at U-2 spy plane bases. After leaving the Marines he defected to the Soviet Union. While in Russia he married the niece of a KGB colonel, and he lived in relative luxury, likely in exchange for false or already outdated information on the U-2 that he passed to the Russians. Oswald apparently pretended to be a traitor to America, while actually working for the CIA. On returning to the U.S. Oswald propagandized for Castro's Cuba out of a New Orleans building he shared with a CIA/FBI agent trying to overthrow Castro named Guy Banister. Delphine Roberts worked for Banister. She said that, "Mr. Banister had been a special agent for the FBI and CIA." She saw her CIA agent boss meet with Lee Harvey Oswald in September 1963. This story was supported by her daughter, who also met Oswald during this period. Oswald also distributed Pro-Castro leaflets in New Orleans in 1963, with the address of his CIA contact Banister stamped on them.
There was a three-page letter from CIA Director John McCone to Secret Service Chief James Rowley in which McCone acknowledges Oswald worked for the CIA, and was in Russia for that purpose, not as a defector. It discussed how this information should be withheld from the Warren Commission. Allen Dulles' advice to other members of the Warren Commission was that CIA operatives consider it their patriotic duty to lie under oath if necessary to protect "Company" secrets. A Dallas deputy sheriff, Allen Sweatt, was quoted as saying that Oswald was being paid $200 a month by the government at the time of the assassination, and had been assigned an informant number. In October 1963 Oswald moved to Dallas where he got a job in the Texas Book Depository for $1.25 an hour boxing and shipping books. It's beyond strange how someone who was so clearly connected to the CIA would just happen to get a job working at one of the best sniping points in Dallas, by which the President's open car motorcade would just happen to pass a few weeks after he started working there. Oswald was set up to be the fall guy. On November 22, 1963 at the book depository, around 12:15, secretary Carolyn Arnold saw Oswald in the second floor snack room, where she said he went for a Coke. He was sitting in one of the booths alone, as usual, and appeared to be having lunch. She testified: "I did not speak to him, but I recognized him clearly. I remember it was 12:15 or later. It could have been 12:25, five minutes before the assassination, I don't exactly remember." At the same time, Bonnie Ray Williams was on the sixth floor until 12:20, and he saw nobody. Down on the street, Arnold Rowland saw two men in the sixth floor windows, presumably after Bonnie Ray Williams finished his lunch and left.
Kennedy's motorcade was running late. He was due at the Trade Mart at 12:25. If Oswald was one of the assassins, he was pretty nonchalant about getting himself into position. Later he told Dallas police he was standing in the second floor snackroom. A maximum 90 seconds after Kennedy was shot, patrolman Marrion Baker ran into Oswald in that second story lunchroom. He asked Oswald's boss, "Do you know this man? Is he an employee?" He told Baker that he was. As Baker moved on, he told Oswald, "The President's been shot!" Oswald reacted as if he had heard it for the first time. What the Official Party Line would have us believe is that after firing 3 bolt action shots in 6 seconds, Oswald then left three cartridges neatly side by side in the firing nest, wiped the rifle clear of fingerprints, stashed the rifle on the other side of the loft, sprinted down five flights of stairs, past Victoria Adams and Sandra Styles, who would have, but never saw him, and then showed up cool and calm on the second floor in front of Patrolman Baker within 90 seconds of the shooting the president. Was he out of breath? According to Baker, absolutely not. Was Oswald a "patsy", as he claimed? Most certainly. Whatever can be said of Oswald, one thing is certain: he either knowingly or unknowingly was a pawn for those responsible for assassinating Kennedy.
Jack Ruby, Oswald's assassin, had been stalking Oswald from the time immediately following the assassination, to the moment he shot him. Phillip Willis took a series of 12 photos of Dealey Plaza, where Kennedy was shot, in the minutes before and after the assassination. Mr. Willis' photos and testimony before the Warren Commission appear in the Warren Commission's report. He was not questioned about the eighth photo, a shot of the Book Depository entrance shortly after the assassination. As Willis later pointed out, one of the men in the photo "looks so much like Jack Ruby, Oswald's soon to be assassin, it's pitiful". F.B.I. agents questioning Willis agreed with him that the man bore a powerful resemblance to Ruby. When Willis mentioned this to the Commission, no interest was shown. When the photo was published in the Warren Report, a considerable part of the Ruby lookalike's face had been cropped away. On February 18, 2008, A cache of JFK-related memorabilia was discovered by the Dallas County District Attorney’s Office, and released to the public. It included a transcript of an alleged meeting between Jack Ruby and Lee Harvey Oswald two months before Kennedy was killed. As is always the case when a conspiracy is exposed, the mainstream press went to great lengths to cast doubt on the veracity of this document. The meeting between Ruby and Oswald supposedly happened at Ruby’s nightclub on October 4, 1963, less than two months before the Nov. 22 assassination. In it, they talked of killing the president. Says Oswald in the transcript, "I can still do it, all I need is my rifle and a tall building; but it will take time, maybe six months to find the right place; but I’ll have to have some money to live on while I do the planning." Whether the transcript is a fake or not, the fact that a CIA team was hired to kill Kennedy is well documented. What was the final straw that pushed our own government to assassinate Kennedy?
On October 11, 1963 John F. Kennedy signed national security memorandom no. 263, which ordered 1000 American advisors home from Vietnam by December 25, 1963, and that the remainder of the U.S. military be withdrawn by 1965. Kennedy's and Johnson's Secretary of Defense Robert MacNamara has said that Kennedy was going to pull out of Vietnam after the 1964 election. In the film "The Fog of War", not only does McNamara say this, but a tape recording of Lyndon Johnson confirms that Kennedy was planning to withdraw from Vietnam, a position Johnson states he disapproved of. The day after Kennedy's funeral, on November 26, 1963, Lyndon Johnson signed national security resolution no. 273, which completely reversed Kennedy's plan for a withdrawal from Vietnam. Then Johnson fraudulently used the gulf of Tonkin resolution as a blank check to fund the massive military buildup in Vietnam, an agreement Johnson apparently made with the CIA in exchange for them taking out Kennedy, and handing the presidency to him.
There is evidence that Lyndon Johnson was directly involved. Johnson was seen ducking down in his car a good 30 to 40 seconds before the first shots were fired, even before the car turned onto Houston street. Lyndon Johnson was acting as if he knew bullets would soon be flying, ducking down repeatedly before the shots went off. At the ceremony of Johnson being sworn in as president, Congressman Albert Thomas was photographed knowingly winking at a smiling LBJ, while JFK's grieving widow stood next to Johnson. The night before the Kennedy assassination Johnson met with Dallas tycoons, FBI moguls and organized crime kingpins. Johnson's mistress, Madeleine Duncan Brown recalled that "Johnson emerged from the conference to tell her, "'after tomorrow those S.O.B.'s, the Kennedy's, will never embarrass me again - that's no threat - that's a promise.'" "They had this lodge outside of Dallas and they met there on November 21, 1963. Johnson chose different people to do certain things for him, and the group included Oswald's assassin, Jack Ruby. Brown described Ruby as the "in man" in Texas who could be trusted to arrange call girls, drugs, gambling fixes and even contract killings.
According to Madeleine Brown, the group at the meeting included J. Edgar Hoover, Clyde Tolson, John J. McCloy, Jack Ruby, numerous mafia kingpins, several newspaper and TV reporters, and Richard Nixon." Oddly enough, over ten years later Richard Nixon was forced to resign because of the John F. Kennedy assassination. The break-in at the Watergate offices of the Democratic National Committee would have never become the issue to topple a President, except for the need to protect just WHY the crime had been committed. The Democrats had obtained photographs which showed Nixon "associate" E. Howard Hunt to be one of the three tramps arrested and then released in Dealey Plaza. This is why Hunt led the break-in at the Watergate. He was protecting his own posterior. Rather than risk exposure of a far worse scandal, Nixon resigned, turning over the White House to Gerald Ford, the Warren Commission member who would later admit that he had altered the official location of JFK's back wound for the commission. Johnson was still irate when he called Madeleine Brown the morning of the assassination, telling her the Kennedy family would never embarrass him again. Brown highlighted how people who were set to testify against Johnson for indictment proceedings, related to illegal kickbacks Johnson was receiving from agriculture programs before the assassination, were mysteriously set-up in homosexual scandals or found dead, having allegedly shot themselves five times in the head. "Had the assassination not happened the day that it did, Lyndon Johnson would have probably gone to prison - they would have gotten rid of him - he was so involved in this."
Immediately following JFK's assassination in Dallas, government agents fanned out through the crowd, and confiscated all the films that were being taken of Kennedy's motorcade. One exception was Abraham Zapruders home movie. This film was purchased by Time magazine. Time magazine promptly altered key frames,and eliminated others, in order to obstruct and eliminate key evidence of a conspiracy. Those home movies that were seized by the government that afternoon, were never seen or heard again. Regis Kennedy, one of the FBI agents who was gathering up those home movies that afternoon, was supenoed by the House select committee on assassinations, to explain what happened to all those home movies. On the very day he was to testify to that committee, he was found murdered. Over 200 key witnesses to JFK's assassination, who could have testified to the truth of what happened that day, have died under mysterious circumstances, or have been outright murdered.
So exactly who shot JFK? The same hit men the CIA planned to use against Cuban president Fidel Castro, including the famous Watergate burglars E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis, were brought into Dealy plaza on November 22,1963. Immediately after JFK's assassination, law enforcement officers conducted a search of the area behind the grassy knoll, from which many witnesses heard gunshots and saw smoke just after the shots rang out. There were several railroad boxcars in this area. Some of these witnesses saw men running from the fence behind the knoll toward the boxcars. As a result three men were found in one boxcar. They were arrested. These men came to be known as "The three tramps". They were arrested right after the president of the United States was killed, but strangely enough the police did not book, photograph or fingerprint them, and they were released. One thing they didn't expect however, was that as the police led the three derelicts through Dealey Plaza to the sheriff's office, they were photographed by several press photographers. When allegations of a CIA connection with Kennedy's death emerged, these photographs received wide publicity in newspapers, television and in the April 28, 1975 issue of Newsweek magazine. Two of the derelicts or "tramps", as they had come to be called, bore striking resemblances to Nixon burglars E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis respectively, who both worked for the CIA. The 3rd tramp is often referred to as "Raoul", and is a bullseye for the Martin Luther King assassination suspect circulated by the police after King was killed. James Earl Ray would later claim he was set up by a man named "Raoul".
A book titled Coup D'Etat in America, by Alan J. Weberman and Michael Canfield, came out with compelling evidence that two of the three "tramps" arrested in Dallas on November 22 were E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis. When Coup D'Etat in America came out, Hunt sued for millions of dollars in damages, claiming he could prove that he had been in Washington D.C. that day, on duty at CIA. It turned out, however, that this was not true. So, he said that he had been on leave and doing household errands, including a shopping trip to a grocery store in Chinatown. Weberman and Canfield investigated the new alibi and found that the grocery store where Hunt claimed to be shopping never existed. At this point, Hunt offered to drop his suit for a token payment of one dollar. But the authors were determined to vindicate themselves, and they continued to attack Hunt's alibi, ultimately completely shattering it. Using the principles of Biometrics, lines and angles are measured and compared to create a template. The templates are then overlaid for matching. When the pictures of two of the derilicts were tested biometrically against Frank Sturgis and E. Howard Hunt, they came up as 100% perfect matches. It would seem beyond a shadow of doubt that both Hunt and Sturgis worked for the CIA not only as Nixon burglars, but also as part of the team the CIA sent out assassinate JFK.
Assassinating Kennedy, and putting their man Johnson into the presidency helped the military industrial complex and the shadow government reassert their power, and that will help you understand what's been going on in America ever since Kennedy's assassination. These treasonous murderers are opposed to everything the United States is supposed to represent, such as truth, freedom and justice. This is why they go to such great lengths to keep their methods of operation, their true purpose, and even their existence, under a cloak of secrecy. If Americans knew the truth about all of this, they would rise up in anger, and hold them all accountable. As long as these forces remain in control of the government, the coverup will continue. The truth behind the JFK assassination will never be told by the establishment. You and I are subject to their corrupt and injust court system, while they are above the law. International bankers and all of their branch organizations are at the head of this shadow government, and the assassination of president Kennedy was nothing short of a coup, implemented by them. Their pawns in the media keep the American people from learning how their government has been overthrown by them, and they have been, more or less, in complete control of the U.S. government ever since they assassinated JFK on November 22, 1963.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Monday, April 7, 2008
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Black (Negro) Wall Street
The "Black (Negro) Wall Street" was the name given to Greenwood Avenue of North Tulsa, Oklahoma during the early 1900’s. Because of strict segregation, Blacks were only allowed to shop, spend, and live in a 35 square block area called the Greenwood district. The "circulation of Black dollars" only in the Black community produced a tremendously prosperous Black business district that was admired and envied by the whole country.
Oklahoma’s first African-American settlers were Indian slaves of the so-called "Five Civilized Tribes": Chickasaws, Choctaws, Cherokees, Creeks, and Seminoles. These tribes were forced to leave the Southeastern United States and resettle in Oklahoma in mid-winter over the infamous "Trail of Tears." After the Civil War, U.S.-Indian treaties provided for slave liberation and land allotments ranging from 40-100 acres, which helps explain why over 6000 African-Americans lived in the Oklahoma territory by 1870. Oklahoma boasted of more All-Black towns and communities than any other state in the land, and these communities opened their arms to freed slaves from all across the country. Remarkably, at one time, there were over 30 African-American newspapers in Oklahoma.
Tulsa began as an outpost of the Creek Indians and as late as 1910, Walter White of the NAACP, described Tulsa as "the dead and hopeless home of 18,182 souls." Suddenly, oil was discovered and Tulsa rapidly grew into a thriving, bustling, enormously wealthy town of 73,000 by 1920 with bank deposits totaling over $65 million. However, Tulsa was a "tale of two cities isolated and insular", one Black and one White. Tulsa was so racist and segregated that it was the only city in America that boasted of segregated telephone booths.
Since African Americans could neither live among Whites as equals nor patronize White businesses in Tulsa, Blacks had to develop a completely separate business district and community, which soon became prosperous and legendary. Black dollars invested in the Black community also produced self-pride, self-sufficiency, and self-determination. The business district, beginning at the intersection of Greenwood Avenue and Archer Street, became so successful and vibrant that Booker T. Washington during his visit bestowed the moniker: "Negro Wall Street." By 1921, Tulsa’s African-American population of 11,000 had its own bus line, two high schools, one hospital, two newspapers, two theaters, three drug stores, four hotels, a public library, and thirteen churches. In addition, there were over 150 two and three story brick commercial buildings that housed clothing and grocery stores, cafes, rooming houses, nightclubs, and a large number of professional offices including doctors, lawyers, and dentists. Tulsa’s progressive African American community boasted some of the city’s most elegant brick homes, well furnished with china, fine linens, beautiful furniture, and grand pianos. Mary Elizabeth Parrish from Rochester, New York wrote: "In the residential section there were homes of beauty and splendor which would please the most critical eye." Well known African American personalities often visited the Greenwood district including: educators Mary McCloud Bethune and W.E.B. DuBois, scientist George Washington Carver, opera singer Marian Anderson, blues singer Dinah Washington, and noted Chicago chemist Percy Julian.
T.P. Scott wrote in "Negro City Directory": "Early African American business leaders in Tulsa patterned the development of Tulsa’s thriving Greenwood district after the successful African American entrepreneurial activity in Durham, North Carolina."
After the Civil War, former slaves moved to Durham from the neighboring farmlands and found employment in tobacco processing plants. By 1900, a large Black middle class had developed which began businesses that soon grew into phenomenally successful corporations, especially North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company. Charles Clinton Spaulding was so successful with the North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company that he was able to create a real estate company, a textile and hosiery mill, and the "Durham Negro Observer" newspaper. Durham Blacks also created a hospital, Mechanics and Farmers Bank (1908), North Carolina Training College (1910), Banker’s Fire Insurance Company (1920), and the National Negro Finance Company (1922). However, living conditions in Durham were so substandard and working conditions so poor that the 1920 mortality rate among Blacks in Durham was three times higher than the White rate. As of 1926, 64% of all African Americans in Durham died before the age of 40. These perilous working and living conditions were not present in Tulsa.
On May 31, 1921, the successful Black Greenwood district was completely destroyed by one of the worse race riots in U.S. history.
A 19 year old Black male accidentally stumbled on a jerky elevator and bumped the 17-year-old White elevator operator who screamed. The frightened young fellow was seen running from the elevator by a group of Whites and by late afternoon the "Tulsa Tribune" reported that the girl had been raped. Despite the girl’s denial of any wrongdoing, the boy was arrested and a large mob of 2000 White men came to the jail to lynch the prisoner.
About 75 armed African Americans came to the jail to offer assistance to the sheriff to protect the prisoner. The sheriff not only refused the assistance but also deputized the White mob to disarm the Blacks. With a defenseless Black community before them, the White mob advanced to the Greenwood district where they first looted and then burned all Black businesses, homes, and churches. Any Black resisters were shot and thrown into the fires. When the National Guard arrived, they assisted the others by arresting all Black men, women, and children, and herding them into detention centers at the Baseball Park and Convention Hall. As many as 4,000 Blacks were held under armed guard in detention.
Dr. Arthur C. Jackson, a nationally renowned surgeon and called by the Mayo brothers (of Mayo Clinic fame) "the most able Negro surgeon in America", was shot at the Convention Hall and allowed to bleed to death.
The "Chicago Tribute" Newspaper reported that Whites also used private airplanes to drop kerosene and dynamite on Black homes. By the next morning the entire Greenwood district was reduced to ashes and not one White was even accused of any wrongdoing, much less arrested.
The race riot of Tulsa, Oklahoma was not an isolated event in American history. On May 28, 1917 a White mob in East St. Louis, Illinois of over l3,000, ravaged African American stores, homes, and churches. Eyewitnesses reported that over 100 Blacks were gunned down as they left their burning homes including a small Black child who was shot and thrown back into the burning building to die. Seven white police officers charged with murder by the Illinois Attorney General were collectively fined $150. During the "Red Summer" of 1919, over 25 race riots were recorded (white mobs attacking black neighborhoods). In the 1919 race riot at Elaine, Arkansas, White mobs killed over 200 African Americans and burned their homes and businesses. Federal troops arrested hundreds of Blacks trying to protect their possessions and forcibly held them in basements of the city’s public schools. Twelve Blacks were indicted (no Whites) and convicted of inciting violence and sentenced to die. The NAACP persuaded the U.S. Supreme Count for the first time in history to reverse a racially biased southern court. Director John Singleton exposed the horror of the Rosewood, Florida massacre of 1922 in his film entitled "Rosewood". A White mob burned down the entire town and tried to kill all of its Black inhabitants. In April 1994, the Florida legislature passed the "Rosewood Bill", which awarded $150,000 to each of the riot’s nine eligible Black survivors.
After the Tulsa riot, the White inhabitants tried to buy the Black property and force Black people out of town. No Tulsa bank or lending institution would make loans in the riot-marred Greenwood district, and the city refused all outside assistance. However, racial pride and self-determination would not permit the Greenwood owners to sell, and they doggedly spend the entire winter in tents donated by the American Red Cross. Rebuilding was a testament to the courage and stamina of Tulsa’s pioneers in their struggle for freedom.
Most of the buildings along the first block of Greenwood Avenue were rebuilt within one year. Henry Whitlow wrote: "A little over a decade after the riot, everything was more prosperous than before." In 1926, W. E. B. DuBois visited Tulsa and wrote: "Black Tulsa is a happy city. It has new clothes. It is young and gay and strong. Five little years ago, fire and blood and robbery leveled it to the ground. Scars are there, but the city is impudent and noisy. It believes in itself. Thank God for the grit of Black Tulsa."
Like Black Tulsa, African Americans can continue to survive by self-pride, self-help, and self-determination.
Oklahoma’s first African-American settlers were Indian slaves of the so-called "Five Civilized Tribes": Chickasaws, Choctaws, Cherokees, Creeks, and Seminoles. These tribes were forced to leave the Southeastern United States and resettle in Oklahoma in mid-winter over the infamous "Trail of Tears." After the Civil War, U.S.-Indian treaties provided for slave liberation and land allotments ranging from 40-100 acres, which helps explain why over 6000 African-Americans lived in the Oklahoma territory by 1870. Oklahoma boasted of more All-Black towns and communities than any other state in the land, and these communities opened their arms to freed slaves from all across the country. Remarkably, at one time, there were over 30 African-American newspapers in Oklahoma.
Tulsa began as an outpost of the Creek Indians and as late as 1910, Walter White of the NAACP, described Tulsa as "the dead and hopeless home of 18,182 souls." Suddenly, oil was discovered and Tulsa rapidly grew into a thriving, bustling, enormously wealthy town of 73,000 by 1920 with bank deposits totaling over $65 million. However, Tulsa was a "tale of two cities isolated and insular", one Black and one White. Tulsa was so racist and segregated that it was the only city in America that boasted of segregated telephone booths.
Since African Americans could neither live among Whites as equals nor patronize White businesses in Tulsa, Blacks had to develop a completely separate business district and community, which soon became prosperous and legendary. Black dollars invested in the Black community also produced self-pride, self-sufficiency, and self-determination. The business district, beginning at the intersection of Greenwood Avenue and Archer Street, became so successful and vibrant that Booker T. Washington during his visit bestowed the moniker: "Negro Wall Street." By 1921, Tulsa’s African-American population of 11,000 had its own bus line, two high schools, one hospital, two newspapers, two theaters, three drug stores, four hotels, a public library, and thirteen churches. In addition, there were over 150 two and three story brick commercial buildings that housed clothing and grocery stores, cafes, rooming houses, nightclubs, and a large number of professional offices including doctors, lawyers, and dentists. Tulsa’s progressive African American community boasted some of the city’s most elegant brick homes, well furnished with china, fine linens, beautiful furniture, and grand pianos. Mary Elizabeth Parrish from Rochester, New York wrote: "In the residential section there were homes of beauty and splendor which would please the most critical eye." Well known African American personalities often visited the Greenwood district including: educators Mary McCloud Bethune and W.E.B. DuBois, scientist George Washington Carver, opera singer Marian Anderson, blues singer Dinah Washington, and noted Chicago chemist Percy Julian.
T.P. Scott wrote in "Negro City Directory": "Early African American business leaders in Tulsa patterned the development of Tulsa’s thriving Greenwood district after the successful African American entrepreneurial activity in Durham, North Carolina."
After the Civil War, former slaves moved to Durham from the neighboring farmlands and found employment in tobacco processing plants. By 1900, a large Black middle class had developed which began businesses that soon grew into phenomenally successful corporations, especially North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company. Charles Clinton Spaulding was so successful with the North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company that he was able to create a real estate company, a textile and hosiery mill, and the "Durham Negro Observer" newspaper. Durham Blacks also created a hospital, Mechanics and Farmers Bank (1908), North Carolina Training College (1910), Banker’s Fire Insurance Company (1920), and the National Negro Finance Company (1922). However, living conditions in Durham were so substandard and working conditions so poor that the 1920 mortality rate among Blacks in Durham was three times higher than the White rate. As of 1926, 64% of all African Americans in Durham died before the age of 40. These perilous working and living conditions were not present in Tulsa.
On May 31, 1921, the successful Black Greenwood district was completely destroyed by one of the worse race riots in U.S. history.
A 19 year old Black male accidentally stumbled on a jerky elevator and bumped the 17-year-old White elevator operator who screamed. The frightened young fellow was seen running from the elevator by a group of Whites and by late afternoon the "Tulsa Tribune" reported that the girl had been raped. Despite the girl’s denial of any wrongdoing, the boy was arrested and a large mob of 2000 White men came to the jail to lynch the prisoner.
About 75 armed African Americans came to the jail to offer assistance to the sheriff to protect the prisoner. The sheriff not only refused the assistance but also deputized the White mob to disarm the Blacks. With a defenseless Black community before them, the White mob advanced to the Greenwood district where they first looted and then burned all Black businesses, homes, and churches. Any Black resisters were shot and thrown into the fires. When the National Guard arrived, they assisted the others by arresting all Black men, women, and children, and herding them into detention centers at the Baseball Park and Convention Hall. As many as 4,000 Blacks were held under armed guard in detention.
Dr. Arthur C. Jackson, a nationally renowned surgeon and called by the Mayo brothers (of Mayo Clinic fame) "the most able Negro surgeon in America", was shot at the Convention Hall and allowed to bleed to death.
The "Chicago Tribute" Newspaper reported that Whites also used private airplanes to drop kerosene and dynamite on Black homes. By the next morning the entire Greenwood district was reduced to ashes and not one White was even accused of any wrongdoing, much less arrested.
The race riot of Tulsa, Oklahoma was not an isolated event in American history. On May 28, 1917 a White mob in East St. Louis, Illinois of over l3,000, ravaged African American stores, homes, and churches. Eyewitnesses reported that over 100 Blacks were gunned down as they left their burning homes including a small Black child who was shot and thrown back into the burning building to die. Seven white police officers charged with murder by the Illinois Attorney General were collectively fined $150. During the "Red Summer" of 1919, over 25 race riots were recorded (white mobs attacking black neighborhoods). In the 1919 race riot at Elaine, Arkansas, White mobs killed over 200 African Americans and burned their homes and businesses. Federal troops arrested hundreds of Blacks trying to protect their possessions and forcibly held them in basements of the city’s public schools. Twelve Blacks were indicted (no Whites) and convicted of inciting violence and sentenced to die. The NAACP persuaded the U.S. Supreme Count for the first time in history to reverse a racially biased southern court. Director John Singleton exposed the horror of the Rosewood, Florida massacre of 1922 in his film entitled "Rosewood". A White mob burned down the entire town and tried to kill all of its Black inhabitants. In April 1994, the Florida legislature passed the "Rosewood Bill", which awarded $150,000 to each of the riot’s nine eligible Black survivors.
After the Tulsa riot, the White inhabitants tried to buy the Black property and force Black people out of town. No Tulsa bank or lending institution would make loans in the riot-marred Greenwood district, and the city refused all outside assistance. However, racial pride and self-determination would not permit the Greenwood owners to sell, and they doggedly spend the entire winter in tents donated by the American Red Cross. Rebuilding was a testament to the courage and stamina of Tulsa’s pioneers in their struggle for freedom.
Most of the buildings along the first block of Greenwood Avenue were rebuilt within one year. Henry Whitlow wrote: "A little over a decade after the riot, everything was more prosperous than before." In 1926, W. E. B. DuBois visited Tulsa and wrote: "Black Tulsa is a happy city. It has new clothes. It is young and gay and strong. Five little years ago, fire and blood and robbery leveled it to the ground. Scars are there, but the city is impudent and noisy. It believes in itself. Thank God for the grit of Black Tulsa."
Like Black Tulsa, African Americans can continue to survive by self-pride, self-help, and self-determination.
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